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  • Hey bro i love your runecrafting script for darkscape. the nature runes.im always using it. the only thing i ask is if you can put moblishing armies for ring of duelling on it. im always getting pk'ed at castle wars since theirs no guards.
    Superheat is not working right, thinks I dont need nats, yet leaves a space for them? whats my problem?
    Hey Slash, is there any way that you can add a rest option for the Sorc Garden? It's not possible to run it without baby sitting without it. Would appreciate it man!
    I heard that a Sorceress has a garden?!?
    Reminder. Got 99 thieving and divination thanks to your bots ;)
    Been a while.... but.... Reminder for your Sorc garden :D
    PSA: If a bot gives you the error "Min cannot be greater than max", think about what that means and check your settings. Cheers.
    slash pls help ur bot dosnt work pleas fix it fast thnx it get many error
    This is a funny status. Only because I assumed people were more intelligent.
    Hey man they changed the I.D for pure essences!!! can you fix the script thanks!!! Oh and this script is so worth it id even pay,
    it's like they will not with draw the essences
    It's glitched i fixed it though... if you just add normal essence then all your pure essence it'll finally start withdrawing them.. I was wondering if it would start working if i bought normal.. right after i bought the normal ones then it starting doing the pures again.... not sure why but it works now =]
    Hmmm, what settings did you have? It's still pretty strange though
    Alpha Magic for OSRS. The aching feature only works maybe 1 of 6 tries. Most the time it just clicks on the magic tab and then does nothing. another time it alched for about an hour then stopped working. Would love to see it up and running again, thanks for all your hard work making these scripts.
    hey mate, just with your agility bot for rs3, i was wondering if you could fix it for darkscape so that it can be used without trying ti use the minimap as this is disabed, much appreciated
    Sorry for the inactivity as of late. I plan on touching up some bots and releasing some open source bots with walkthroughs soon :D
    Yeshh the devkit interfaces error that has plagued me for the last 2 weeks has disappeared! :D
    I've pushed a fix for the Mouse.move NullPointerException :) It should be all fixed once Cloud pushes it through
    Why so many dang deprecated methods -__-
    • Like
    Reactions: alkimista
    loooooool good thing my remaining bots are short. Almost finished with my OCM assignment.
    cloud dun want you to turn your camera passively anymoe. WAT IF MY CAMERA ISNT THAT GREAT AT BEING ACTIVE!!1
    Because Cloud is too lazy to delete them lololol
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