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  1. R

    Hexis Construction

    Pleaseeeeeeeeee add mythical cape rack :(
  2. R

    any chance of you ever making a vorkath bot xD

    any chance of you ever making a vorkath bot xD
  3. R

    Prime Zulrah [Deleted]

    looks good
  4. R

    Prime Zulrah [Deleted]

    any reports recently? bot cant find ring of duelings, teleports, or anything in the bank for that matter. please let us know when fixed
  5. R

    Prime Zulrah [Deleted]

    I defiantly was having a zulrah rotation change earlier today. I tested once per hour up until noon, and then it went back to normal every time. I will continue to monitor the bot whenever I run it. All I'm saying lads is be careful running and always monitor it. I will keep you updated.
  6. R

    Prime Zulrah [Deleted]

    bot is not going to right places. Maybe jagex switched the route zulrah takes. Keeps clicking into wrong spots with every spawn switch zulrah does.im restarting runescape client, and runemate. will update with results. yup bot is dying every time. anyone else having issues?
  7. R

    Qve AIOFighter [Deleted]

    any plans on cannon support?
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    Prime Zulrah [Deleted]

    If you get pet drop will it auto bank? After that kill? Or will it go for another kill?
  9. R

    Cuppa Hunter AIO

    Great bot. Butterflies work beautifully, Falconry works great. I Will update with any bugs or suggestions.
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    Atlas Lava Runes [Deleted]

    Bot makes only fire runes. Have everything i need in invo. What is going on?
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    Prime Zulrah [Deleted]

    does bot auto pick up zulrah pet and bank it if you get it as a drop
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    Prime Zulrah [Deleted]

    Great bot works great. Any chance of protecting from th melee attack?
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    Tutorial How to Use RuneMate Spectre

    any chance the runelite client will be added to support?
  14. R

    Cuppa Hunter AIO

    when will there be an update?
  15. R

    Cuppa Hunter AIO

    Idk if this update was the fix. but the interface still does not appear.