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  1. M

    Hexis Tithe Farm

    works lovely on 4 lanes, on 5 lanes with a beast PC and 9 ms it still bugs out. Got temp banned after going for about a 5hr stretch while babysitting, careful with this.
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    Prime Zulrah [Deleted]

    Bot works but seems a bit less stable than before. Few things i noticed that are sketchy/weird/not working properly: When respawning in Falador, when it spawns too close to the wall, the bot doesn't move anymore, it just stands near the wall not doing anything. This might have to do with...
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    Prime Zulrah [Deleted]

    My Apologies, Ring of Suffering (ri) does not get detected either. While we are on the topic, could this be Refunded?
  4. M

    Prime Zulrah [Deleted]

    At first had the issue that bot wouldn't start at all, this was fixed after elevating the priority of my JagexLauncher. However it doesn't recognize i'm wearing a ring of suffering, neither the normal or the imbued versions. Anything i can do to resolve?
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    Awesome Agility LITE [Deleted]

    How does the high alchemy function work? it doesn't seem to do anything when checked.
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    Regal Agility Lite [Deleted]

    btw, the thing on canifis course getting stuck on the tree fixes itself after a while, since you're not supposed to end up on top of the tree but on the roof after a few seconds you should be sortof teleported off the tree on top of the little starting roof. It also doesn't place you on top of...
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    Regal Agility Lite [Deleted]

    yeah got lucky cuz of spectre i think, thanks though this just proofs you fixed it well :) but i also didnt use any breaks and stuff so thats probably why :)
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    Regal Agility Lite [Deleted]

    yeah i noticed lmao, got a 2 day ban, will have to babysit if i ever bot again. ill try falador course sometimes but it might take some time so bare with me :)
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    Regal Agility Lite [Deleted]

    I think you'll enjoy this one :) (canifis course).
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    Regal Agility Lite [Deleted]

    alright, thanks good to know :) didn't have time to test falador today, might give it a shot tomorrow if i find the time :)
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    Regal Agility Lite [Deleted]

    i don't know, but if you didnt change anything about the fally course(didnt test this time) i would assume so. Will try to test soon :) edit: i had a question, if you use the Hours To Run function, will it work from the time you fill it in, or from the time it started?
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    Regal Agility Lite [Deleted]

    no problem, running it rn, seems to be working doesn't get stuck on the same spot the camera turn is helping alot it seems :) what i noticed last time (pre-update) was that on the Falador course it got stuck (other bots got stuck on the same spot) it was at the part where it has to hold on to...
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    Regal Agility Lite [Deleted]

    ill give it a shot tomorrow if i have time, thanks for fixing anyway :) i'll keep you updated.
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    Regal Agility Lite [Deleted]

    ah okay i'll tell em to hurry their asses up :x (not that they listen to me or anything but its worth the shot uknow)
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    Regal Agility Lite [Deleted]

    alright, thanks ill refresh and give it a shot! :) edit: hmmmm stuck on the same spot must have something to do with it clicking it because the obstacle is right in front of it and clearly visible, camera doesn't turn either but it does click when i turn the camera a bit to behind the...