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  1. J

    Atlas Cow Crafter [Deleted]

    it get stuck when he took a charm in the invertory, he want to sell it to the shop.
  2. J

    OSRS Chinning and Barrage bot (mm1)

    i fixed it :D
  3. J

    OSRS Chinning and Barrage bot (mm1)

    a bot that does prayer and combat reset every 10 minuts. Game Mode: OSRS Link to wiki: -------------- Summary: Start at any bank. Take a monkey gree gree, teleport and 26 prayer pots. after you take the items you have to go to monkey madness dungeon. When you are there wear your gree gree so...
  4. J

    Prime Fishing

    `because everyone makes mistakes
  5. J

    QuickMiner PRO [Deleted]

    00:00:21 DEBUG Flood-Filled the area in 1ms 00:00:23 WARN Unable to interact with SpawnableResource - (Mineral deposit, 45076, CONCENTRATED_GOLD, Coordinate(3668, 5076, 0), respawned: true, 0) 00:00:29 DEBUG Time took for resource updater: 81ms 00:00:29 WARN Event handlers run...
  6. J

    Prime Fishing

    O Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab. 00:00:00 WARN SettingsRegistry has not been loaded properly 00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_fatigue_factor" value=0 00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_prediction_delay" value=178 00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense]...
  7. J

    AuxiThiever [Deleted]

    00:00:00 INFO Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab. 00:05:02 DEBUG Path debug: WebPath[Cost: 54.0, Vertices: CoordinateVertex(x=2263, y=3381, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2262, y=3384, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2257, y=3383, plane=1) -> CoordinateVertex(x=2256...
  8. J

    Quantum Woodcutting Lite [Deleted]

    can you fix the ape toll location chopping teaks? it will teleport and says the whole time ''walking to location'', but it dont walk to location.
  9. J

    QuickSmith PRO [Deleted]

    you want to add it?
  10. J

    QuickSmith PRO [Deleted]

    does this bot support artisan workshop? this is very good for ironman.
  11. J

    Quality Slayer [Deleted]

    thank you so much, btw you dont need the help for the task, you can find it at runewiki
  12. J

    Quality Slayer [Deleted]

    still has the spiny helmet problems
  13. J

    Quality Slayer [Deleted]

    well, my current task is cave bugs, the bot want me to wear a spiny helmet. this reqs 5 defence.... maybe its a bug or not in the script
  14. J

    Quality Slayer [Deleted]

    is there an option to skip the task?