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  1. insomniac

    Hello RuneMate, I am a junior developer

    Welcome and GL with your scripting ventures.
  2. insomniac

    Figured I'd introduce myself

    Welcome! Use common sense while botting and you'll get banned maxed in no time.
  3. insomniac


  4. insomniac

    $5 for osrs

    Looking for osrs gp for my $5 RM credits. Edit: Sold!
  5. insomniac

    Bug Stuck on loading screen when trying to run any bot.

    Deleted SPSS, and now it completely freezes after trying to setup the bot.
  6. insomniac

    FrostWins is new

    RM is much much much better than dreambot and tribot.
  7. insomniac

    300 H/r max retarded

    GL getting banned.
  8. insomniac

    rs3 or osrs?

    rs3 or osrs?
  9. insomniac

    Need executive and he's the pip king of runemate.

    Need executive and he's the pip king of runemate.
  10. insomniac

    How to bot safely

    Interfering with the bots own movement, and seemingly chatting while skilling (not afk) is fairly suicide in the long run. Let's say you set the bot on pause and interfer with manual input, which causes inconsistency and breaks the pattern the bot set previously. Do it enough times and you'll...
  11. insomniac

    Lmao, when did you get promoted to staff?

    Lmao, when did you get promoted to staff?
  12. insomniac

    The new kid

    Welcome bro. The best advice I'd give is: don't get too greedy. It's suicidal behavior in the long term.
  13. insomniac

    Divine Magics [Deleted]

    Could you add rune pouch support if it's not already implemented?
  14. insomniac

    Project - GrandExchange API/Bot

    It's a naice project, especially since the only req is a cash stack/members. Lol it'd be pretty fun to see bots undercutting each other though.