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  1. huig

    Bug Script ore client

    java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: An unhandleable vertex MinigameTeleportVertex(2658, 3159, 0) has been detected in a WebPath heading towards CoordinateVertex(x=2587, y=3419, plane=0) at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.location.navigation.web.WebPath.getNext(tmc:1079) at...
  2. huig

    Prime Fishing Trial [Deleted]

    java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: An unhandleable vertex MinigameTeleportVertex(2658, 3159, 0) has been detected in a WebPath heading towards CoordinateVertex(x=2587, y=3419, plane=0) at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.location.navigation.web.WebPath.getNext(tmc:1079) at...
  3. huig

    Bot not working + taking credits

    rune mate offline?
  4. huig

    Awesome Agility LITE [Deleted]

    client not working after update osrs ;)
  5. huig

    Resolved botting hours

    snap het principe alles is erg onduidelijk allemaal
  6. huig

    Resolved botting hours

    the hour system sucks how it work i bought 700 hours only get 400
  7. huig

    can somebody explain

    where to find ? then it sucks uhu payd 7dollar got only 390 hours then
  8. huig

    can somebody explain

    yea i see but why then -300 hours so i pay 6 dollar again and got only 300 plus then so i pay more then that means when al hours over i stand in -1300 hours say i need to pay 14 dollar to play again its not right i guess
  9. huig

    can somebody explain

    got this midday 220 hours left got 1300 hours total now i got this can a mod look into this its not first time this happens, i purchase more hours when i need so bought 27-01 for 6 dollar 11-02 5dollar 15-11 3 dollar who can explain :) thnxx
  10. huig

    Hours Quantity Allowed 800 Used 1,110 Remaining -310 he bro, snap jij dit had vanmiddag nog...

    Hours Quantity Allowed 800 Used 1,110 Remaining -310 he bro, snap jij dit had vanmiddag nog plus 210 uur over en nu ineens min 310 ? dit is al 4rde x dat gebeurd dak elke x bij moet lappen
  11. huig

    minnow ready acc with 99fish

    like 6days straight now
  12. huig

    minnow ready acc with 99fish

    naah runnig now for 21 hours straigt with two accs
  13. huig

    minnow ready acc with 99fish

    thats wat u make in 2 days ;) hehe other acc got now almost 70m xp haha
  14. huig

    minnow ready acc with 99fish

    minnow ready acc. with 99 fish 17m xp just bid on it people
  15. huig

    shark ready acc for sell

    selling my shark ready acc just bid on it :) you get te email with acc details. acc is 5 months old