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  • Hey dude me again, i am now using the power chop option in Quantum Woodcutting, when bot drops logs sometimes a few will stay in the inventory usually 3-4 random logs will be skipped. Is this suppose to be happening ?.

    (This does NOT effect the bots performance i'm just curious to why the bot does this)
    Hey man I just started getting into this and a runescape update hit and fucked everything up i was using your woodcutting bot and was about to start abysll and none of them work
    Derk's bot was fucked up before the update kappa
    wet rag
    wet rag
    hey i love the bost i uses alot but once i got 90 i wanted tio start doing redwood but.... when you powerchop redwood it doesnt work and when try to bank it it still doesnt work plz fix othewise best bot
    Heyy Derk, Quantum Woodcutting isn't working properly at Edgeville. Only stays and hacks the other yew.
    Hey I don't mean to be a dick when I post in your threads, I know i am not the most easy-going user on here so i apologize for that. I do really appreciate all the work you do with your bots and they are all high quality so thanks for the hard work :)
    I'm fine with adding new content to the bot and fixing bugs you report, but it's on a voluntary base. It's not the only thing I do in my (busy) life. :)
    Hey Derk.
    I use your Celestial Woodcutting mod quite a bit and I absolutely love it.
    However, Iast night I was at the GE in varrock, just got done selling a bunch of Yew logs and i had gotten to a little over a million gp. I logged out and went to bed cause I had work at 6am.
    When i got home a half an hour or so ago I logged back into my rs account to find myself at the lumby bank with a handful of trout in my inventory with my million gp gone along with my full rune amour along with my trusty rune axe.
    Every bot undergoes rigorous testing and has very in-depth analysis so any safety issues get addressed. My bot has no malicious code in it, so the only reason must be that you got hacked.
    I would be willing to pay to use this bot, hands down the best WC bot available. IF It had a timer or break handler. Please implement one.
    would be willing to pay to use this bot, hands down the best WC bot available. IF It had a timer or break handler. Please implement one.
    I would be willing to pay to use this bot, hands down the best WC bot available. IF It had a timer or break handler. Please implement one.
    I would be willing to pay to use this bot, hands down the best WC bot available. IF It had a timer or break handler. Please implement one.
    Actually the breakhandler will come within the next two weeks. Keep your eyes peeled. :)
    Rob's Abyss Crafter Pro best runecrafter bot on the market.
    Why am I discovering this now...
    hey aangezien jij een maker bent. de bots die ik wil gebruiken gaan zogezegd niet op 64 bit kan dat ?
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