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  1. ayrtoo

    Quantum Abyss Crafter [Deleted]

    Ive found this bot ample quick. - constant 44-50 runs/h with the massive pouch. When rsbotting.com used to reign supreme with the other reflection bots, they were only marginally faster and that was the pinnacle of speed really. Regarding the pouch setup, i found like above to be best...
  2. ayrtoo

    TheNewSummoner [Deleted]

    Both. E.g moves to bridge, sits there for a moment then does next move action. You should also add a check for when the obelisk is onscreen to click on it if your moving or not. Well with this bot i was getting 250k /h on 2x and manually i was getting 700k.
  3. ayrtoo

    Quantum Abyss Crafter [Deleted]

    why are you bringing a pickaxe?? Also this requires the wilderness sword to tele to edgeville. please read the info on the bot page.
  4. ayrtoo

    TheNewSummoner [Deleted]

    Problem i see is that the walking using the taverley method is so damn slow. Runs to an area, waits for a second or so then moves on. Looks jankey as. - I'll be using the free bot until this is worth paying for.
  5. ayrtoo

    Qve AbyssCamper [Deleted]

    Mate your a legend! Without all your combat scripts we'd be so screwed! :D
  6. ayrtoo

    Quantum Abyss Crafter [Deleted]

    I understand, i didn't mean it as a personal attack. It seems like it could be read that way. Not logging back in - One it was, the other time i had breaks turned off and the same issue with the dark wiz happened. Refund thing - this is what sets your service apart. This is why i'm training a...
  7. ayrtoo

    Quantum Abyss Crafter [Deleted]

    Gotcha, then there shouldn't really be any premium scripts if the bot client logic isn't sound? Can you add checks to see if your logged in? - i found when my bots got stuck at the dark wizard dude trying to repair pouches it'd idle out and not log back in. Its really weird. Massive pouch issue...
  8. ayrtoo

    Quantum Abyss Crafter [Deleted]

    Kind of - From what i see is.... Sees there is a massive pouch, fills it and then accelerates mouse movement so when it tries clicking the right click menus it moves too quickly and missclicks which seemingly take 4-5 times as long to fill them. (i've tried several different orientations of the...
  9. ayrtoo

    Qve Waterfiends [Deleted]

    Apologise, i was thinking of QVE's autofighter. I cant think of any reason for it - Mind showing me how your actionbar is looking?
  10. ayrtoo

    Regal Hunter [Deleted]

    What was updated this time boss? Have you found a way to speed up the box traps as of yet? :")
  11. ayrtoo

    Quality Divination [Deleted]

    Hey mate, Could i get a refund for this? looks like it worked for just over an hour then found it Idling near the demons in the wildy. Thanks
  12. ayrtoo

    Qve Waterfiends [Deleted]

    Only thing i can think of is that you have your SS activation hp lvl below what you eat food at? E.g activate SS between 30% & 80% but eating food at 50% so it never gets down to 30%?
  13. ayrtoo

    Quantum Abyss Crafter [Deleted]

    The bot seems to get confused when using a massive pouch momentarily & then erratically tries to fill the other pouches causing loads of miss clicks; causing runs/h to be more like 35-38 instead of the 44-49 that i was getting before. Any way to speed this up & any specific pouch config in...
  14. ayrtoo

    Qve Waterfiends [Deleted]

    I found that problem when its trying to turn on the prayers - make sure you've got your actionbar setup right (as shown on the bot info page) using either NORMAL protect mage or soulsplit.
  15. ayrtoo

    Quantum Abyss Crafter [Deleted]

    Sweet thanks mate, I had to manually repair the pouch and get to the altar before it took over.