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  • the bot of hunter I get a message that already exceeds 2h per week. You can explain to me that this is due and how I solve it.
    I understood that. in free only allows you that bot time? is what I want to be explained.
    Can't believe you're dumb enough that you need it explaining. FREE versions of bots have time limits because they're FREE. The bot needs paying for outside of your free usage allowance.
    I ask it because I have seen the same message in a friend's account but the bot keeps working without problems.
    can u make a good blast furnace bot? i only see 3 on runemate and they havent been updated for ages and dont run very well. TIA

    btw love all your bots, used them extensively and never had a problem. Thanks a lot
    hi how do you do man.
    if I acquire the new edition of the regal hunter I must pay 0.08 $ per hour apart from the affiliation hours of runemate. Could you explain me please?
    Yes. As bot author i make 0 money unless i make a bot premium (costs money). I need money and the bot is great, so i want to get something back for making it and upkeeping it...
    Another one who thinks Supporter gets free premium bots woowwweeee
    okay man my bot runs for 72hours a sesh the 0.08 thing would be cool if wouldn't count for breaks when the bot isn't being used
    Breaks always count sadly. The reason is because breaks are still using runemate's servers and make things easier on the user. This is just how runemate works. Nothing i can do sorry.
    Impossible unfortunately.
    Hey any tips for setting up the regal hunter for the time break management the bot is good but I just need help saving my break times etc its kinda confusing
    You can always edit the table yourself. Otherwise know that a large period means long times between breaks, and long duration means long breaks.
    Hey man I went to rune the miner script on my osrs addy miner and I see it's paid now :( Wish i could get a vip access for like helping you by telling you whats wrong with it.
    Instead of leaving a bad review I thought id comment here. Your regal mining bot was working flawless and I was more than willing to pay $.08 for it, however, after I ran it and tried to just run it again it will not work. Ithink the bot is just broken at the moment. I spent $.32 trying to get it to work. can you refund me and tell me when the bot is fixed again?
    My question before installing it though is: does this bot support mining on the Arc? I need to grind charms from salty crablets and its driving me insane, so I'd love to use this bot for that. However, I don't see anywhere in your descriptions any mention of Arc support. (I'm on RS3 obviously) Any reply would be appreciated! Thank you :p
    It does not sorry. It has only osrs support... (There are plenty of rs3 mining bots out there)
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    red head13
    Well hey thanks for the quick reply! Best of luck with your business. Sorry I misinterpreted the OSRS thing
    :((( why you gotta make us pay for regal miningggg i was trying to get 99
    hey man i like all of yours bots, there so amazing!!
    but you upgraded the woodcutting bot and now there is a blue points dragging to trees!! i dont know but you have to remove that! probaly its gonna be a problem.
    anyways beside that. your doing a awesome job, keep up the work
    What? I don't understand what you are saying
    jonathan gobel
    there was a red dot in the game that was clicking on trees. its gone now.
    Hey buddy love your scripts! im using the hunter legacy, and i clicked the black chins... all works well catching them, will log out when people in my level bracket log in. but when it teles to edgeville with a glory the bot just stops. I have submitted a crash report through runemate but i dont know what this log is you talk about. please and thank you
    lmk plz
    I'll need to test it and fix ijt.
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    Reactions: stevoh
    also on the log out aspect itll logg back in the same world three or four times, could you possibly add a world switcher? make it more human like. <3
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