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  • aidden
    aidden replied to the thread MaxiFletcher 1 Tick.
    Go to your runescape settings and turn on make x darts
  • aidden
    aidden replied to the thread MaxiOrbs.
    aidden updated MaxiOrbs with a new update entry: MaxiOrbs v1.6.6 Released! Read the rest of this update entry...
  • aidden
    aidden updated the resource MaxiOrbs with MaxiOrbs v1.6.6 Released!.
    MaxiOrbs updated to v1.6.6. Switched to pathfinder. Should fix the issue with the edgeville trapdoor. There is a slight delay before...
  • aidden
    aidden replied to the thread MaxiCreatureCreation.
    aidden updated MaxiCreatureCreation with a new update entry: MaxiCreatureCreation v1.2.13 Released! Read the rest of this update entry...
  • aidden
    MaxiCreatureCreation updated to v1.2.13. Temporarily disabled pathfinder to fix the tower of life trapdoor traversal
  • aidden
    aidden replied to the thread MaxiHomes.
    Glad to help :)
  • aidden
    aidden replied to the thread MaxiHomes.
    Try restarting runemate and runelite. This is usually caused by runemate failing to receive the chat messages for some reason so...
  • aidden
    aidden replied to the thread MaxiHomes.
    Sorry only just saw this. Yeah that would be the issue :)
  • aidden
    aidden replied to the thread MaxiHomes.
    Where's your varrock portal? Looks like it was stuck trying to find it. Based on your final position it was inside your house but unable...
  • aidden
    aidden replied to the thread MaxiHomes.
    No, fixed screen is the one with the known client issue. Can you send the log file?
  • aidden
    aidden replied to the thread MaxiHomes.
    Use resizable instead of fixed screen. RuneMate currently has a bug with a certain kind of path causing it to try to click slightly too...
  • aidden
    aidden replied to the thread MaxiHomes.
    It's in my todo list :)
  • aidden
    aidden reacted to peterpeterpipin's post in the thread MaxiHomes with Like Like.
    great script. came a long ways since i last used it. only used for 2-3 hrs, but no issues.
  • aidden
    aidden commented on kailewis's profile post.
    @kailewis Just confirmed you have a make x interface for these so you can't 1 tick them. Turning off make x for darts and bolts doesn't...
  • aidden
    aidden commented on kailewis's profile post.
    I'm not aware of tipped bolts being able to 1 tick but i'll have a look