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  • aidden
    aidden commented on stussy798chopper's profile post.
    Try with resizable. All my bots should support resizable with no difference in performance unless your pc cant handle resizable. It's...
  • aidden
    aidden commented on stussy798chopper's profile post.
    @stussy798chopper Are you using fixed screen? There's currently a client bug with minimap walking that causes it to choose a point that...
  • aidden
    aidden replied to the thread MaxiWoodcutter.
    aidden updated MaxiWoodcutter with a new update entry: MaxiWoodcutter v2.23.46 Released! Read the rest of this update entry...
  • aidden
    MaxiWoodcutter updated to v2.23.46. Fixed pathing on Fossil Island not using the tunnel
  • aidden
    aidden replied to the thread MaxiWoodcutter.
    aidden updated MaxiWoodcutter with a new update entry: MaxiWoodcutter v2.23.45 Released! Read the rest of this update entry...
  • aidden
    MaxiWoodcutter updated to v2.23.45. Fixed picking up nests
  • aidden
    aidden commented on stussy798chopper's profile post.
    The reports i had over the past week indicated it was trying to open the bank from too far away (if your render distance is increased...
  • aidden
    aidden commented on stussy798chopper's profile post.
    Can you give me more information please? What was it stuck doing? Where? Did you have plugins enabled? GPU counts, especially with...
  • aidden
    aidden updated their status.
    MaxiBots XMAS freebie is being extended until New Years day! That's a full week of free MaxiBots! Bot Store - RuneMate
  • aidden
    aidden replied to the thread MaxiWoodcutter.
    aidden updated MaxiWoodcutter with a new update entry: MaxiWoodcutter v2.23.44 Released! Read the rest of this update entry...
  • aidden
    MaxiWoodcutter updated to v2.23.44.
  • aidden
    aidden updated their status.
    All MaxiBots are now free for Christmas. Merry Christmas everyone! https://www.runemate.com/store?search=maxibots
  • aidden
    aidden replied to the thread MaxiAncientTablets.
    aidden updated MaxiAncientTablets with a new update entry: MaxiAncientTablets v1.1.26 Released! Read the rest of this update entry...
  • aidden
    MaxiAncientTablets updated to v1.1.26. Fixed quest requirements
  • aidden
    aidden updated their status.
    MaxiHomes now supports leagues and off-hand saw and hammer! MaxiHomes - Bot Store - RuneMate