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Jan 28, 2015
Fletcher for 07 kinda freaks out during stringing it will repetivly try to string again and again clicking on bowstring and it will end up "use bow string on bank booth" until the game times out
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Your thiever steals once then goes uber slow after that.
That's odd, i'll be rewriting it soon anyway.
friend deleter not working ERROR READS:
at com.runemate.maxiscripts.looping.frienddeleter.MaxiFriendDeleter.onLoop(q:160)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.LoopingScript.run(qtb:266)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.AbstractScript.start(pmb:149)
at a.Pk.run(vkb:273)
Does this happen as soon as you start the script?
Fletcher for 07 kinda freaks out during stringing it will repetivly try to string again and again clicking on bowstring and it will end up "use bow string on bank booth" until the game times out
Hmm thanks i'll look into it soon.
Apr 19, 2015
I just started playing Runescape this Summer for the sake of boredom after many years avoiding it... and although I am guilty to be using Runemate in the first place, I am extremely impressed and continuously thankful for everything that you've made. :)
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Hey guys, just thought i'd post a quick update. In two hours i'll be sitting my last exam for the semester and will then have a 3 week break. During this time i plan to be updating ALL my current bots to fix all the reported bugs. I'll also be trying to release MaxiConstruction and rewrite some of my others. There will also be some feature additions including dynamic signatures, but in the beginning you'll just have access to a table on my website. I already have pretty much everything in place, i just need to make the database secure and design a page for end users to view the data. The first bot to start collecting data will be MaxiAlcher, however you won't be able to access the data until the front end is designed. Any way, can't wait to get back into scripting, expect to see bug fixes left right and centre very soon! Stay tuned.
12 year old normie
Jan 8, 2015
Hey guys, just thought i'd post a quick update. In two hours i'll be sitting my last exam for the semester and will then have a 3 week break. During this time i plan to be updating ALL my current bots to fix all the reported bugs. During this time i'll also be trying to release MaxiConstruction and rewrite some of my others. There will also be some feature additions including dynamic signatures, but in the beginning you'll just have access to a table on my website. I already have pretty much everything in place, i just need to make the database secure and design a page for end users to view the data. The first bot to start collecting data will be MaxiAlcher, however you won't be able to access the data until the front end is desgined. Any way, can't wait to get back into scripting, expect to see bug fixes left right and centre very soon! Stay tuned.

Don't forget the Combination potions for your herblore bot I gave you that stuff about. ;)
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Don't forget the Combination potions for your herblore bot I gave you that stuff about. ;)
Of course :)
Okay, so i just finished going through all my bot threads and made a list of all the reported bugs and requested features. Now to give everything a priority, do some housework, and then get onto fixing some bugs!
Jan 13, 2015
May I suggest a combination runecrafter bot? Atm, it's about 2m/hr+ if you're crafting mist runes at Varrock air altar. It's basically the same method as normal runecrafting, but you just cast magic imbue before it and then use some runes on the altar. I'd definitely make it premium though since it's quite a bit of money for little requirements. Also with the new Seren spells coming out, the other combo runes will be in more demand and will probably rise.
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
May I suggest a combination runecrafter bot? Atm, it's about 2m/hr+ if you're crafting mist runes at Varrock air altar. It's basically the same method as normal runecrafting, but you just cast magic imbue before it and then use some runes on the altar. I'd definitely make it premium though since it's quite a bit of money for little requirements. Also with the new Seren spells coming out, the other combo runes will be in more demand and will probably rise.
Sounds good. I do plan to write a runecrafter but it's not even makingm y todo list right now, haha.
Just a quick update for everyone following this. I'm currently Writing MaxiConstruction as some of you may already know. I have all core functionality working, i'm just trying to iron out some kinks, which is taking far longer than i had expected. Currently only supports RS3 however OSRS support will be added as soon as RS3 is ready for release.

I'm also working on another bot that i'm not going to mention at the moment, it's a surprise! I'm 95% sure it'll be premium however i'll probably make it free for the first week so any bugs can be fixed before premium release. It's a money making bot and currently supports RS3 and OSRS support will be added at the same time as with MaxiConstruction.

Stay tuned!
ALL MaxiBot threads have now been updated with a new layout and more information!
Jul 25, 2015
MaxiConstruction is a bit buggy with the butler. It will click on "talk to" repetitively and not go down to "fetch from bank"
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
MaxiConstruction is a bit buggy with the butler. It will click on "talk to" repetitively and not go down to "fetch from bank"
I'll look into it when i have a members account. Thanks for letting me know
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
So a lot of you ran into the issue of my bots no longer logging you in or not closing random interfaces that popped up, this was because i made my own implementation of LoopingScript and TaskScript and cloud had his LoopingScript firing the handler for said events, but there wasn't a public method to do so. This issue is now resolved :)

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