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AIO Farming

May 19, 2023
Rats updated AIO Farming with a new update entry:

AIO Farming v0.4.17 Released!

AIO Farming updated to v0.4.17.

Read the rest of this update entry...
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would be lovely with other banking option beside from house.
(Low level ironman :))
ring of duelling, or simply just a teleport to somewhere? (camelot, lumbridge, falador)
Added ring of dueling support for banking
Works great only issue Im having is it doesn't actually log out it logs then relogs right away just stands around til a run is ready.

Fixed this in most recent version
When bot starts to go to the Grape patch, itll sit at a bank for long period of time and ill have to manually use the xerics talisman thats worn. Am i doing something wrong? (dont have the poh mounted talisman and that option isnt check marked to use)
Do you remember what state the bot was stuck in? Could be a webwalk issue, since webwalk handles all the pathing
Can you please add support for Construction Cape teleport to Hosidius?

This can be used for both the farm patch / herbs and the grape runs

Possibly, It's difficult to add all these traversal options without making the UI convoluted with options that could overwhelm some people
Jan 31, 2020
amazing bot thus far. well done. just fyi, if you have a spade of coke in your bank it will prioritize grabbing one of those and get stuck.
Aug 14, 2023
Hey @Rats , not sure if today's update broke it but tried for the first time today and had many issues. Didn't withdraw compost, so I did it before the bot so it didn't shut down. It also didn't grab gricolas. Then it sort of just randomly tele'd around for ages taking very few steps, often tele'ing to the wrong location too. If I manually walked it to the spot it did gather the herbs and allotments but didn't water and then shut down before completion when compost ran out.
May 19, 2023
Hey @Rats , not sure if today's update broke it but tried for the first time today and had many issues. Didn't withdraw compost, so I did it before the bot so it didn't shut down. It also didn't grab gricolas. Then it sort of just randomly tele'd around for ages taking very few steps, often tele'ing to the wrong location too. If I manually walked it to the spot it did gather the herbs and allotments but didn't water and then shut down before completion when compost ran out.
Did you restart both your RuneMate and Runelite clients after the update? I tested it after and it's working fine
May 19, 2023
Hey @Rats , not sure if today's update broke it but tried for the first time today and had many issues. Didn't withdraw compost, so I did it before the bot so it didn't shut down. It also didn't grab gricolas. Then it sort of just randomly tele'd around for ages taking very few steps, often tele'ing to the wrong location too. If I manually walked it to the spot it did gather the herbs and allotments but didn't water and then shut down before completion when compost ran out.
You don't need to water allotments, can you restart both RuneLite and RuneMate and try it again? I also don't know what gricolas are
Nov 2, 2023
the bot keeps getting stuck in a loop teleporting from house to ardougne after an 8 hour session i came back and saw this not sure how long it was doing it for but it did it yesterday as well. stopped the bot and started it again and it worked fine?
Jan 31, 2020
what is a spade of coke lmao
haha yeah that does sound weird, its obtainable from the blast furnace. In order to use the pump station you need to shovel coke into the furnace thingy. lmao.
the bot keeps getting stuck in a loop teleporting from house to ardougne after an 8 hour session i came back and saw this not sure how long it was doing it for but it did it yesterday as well. stopped the bot and started it again and it worked fine?
this sounds like a runemate issue, usually restarting both client+runemate will solve any issues like that. Always monitor your bot's actions for a few moments before going AFK.