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Dan Blast Furnace

Oct 21, 2018
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Oct 21, 2018
I have found a bug in the UI which causes the bot to crash on start-up. An update is in the queue.
Feb 3, 2021
Seemed to work really well the first time I ran it, but I found that when I started the bot with ice gloves equipped (goldsmith gauntlets in inventory), whilst smelting gold ores it did not switch to the goldsmith gauntlets to earn the double exp.

Manually forcing the bot to equip the goldsmith gauntlets did cause it to switch to ice gloves to collect cooled bars, but if I didn't intervene, it would leave the goldsmith gauntlets untouched in the inventory rather than re-equipping them for the next run.

Since stopping the bot, I have been unable to re-launch it (probably the UI bug you mentioned above).
Oct 21, 2018
Seemed to work really well the first time I ran it, but I found that when I started the bot with ice gloves equipped (goldsmith gauntlets in inventory), whilst smelting gold ores it did not switch to the goldsmith gauntlets to earn the double exp.

Manually forcing the bot to equip the goldsmith gauntlets did cause it to switch to ice gloves to collect cooled bars, but if I didn't intervene, it would leave the goldsmith gauntlets untouched in the inventory rather than re-equipping them for the next run.

Since stopping the bot, I have been unable to re-launch it (probably the UI bug you mentioned above).

Can you send me your logs? It has the playersense in them and that might help me figure out why it doesn't equip the gloves. Also, I think the UI bug can be circumvented by deleting the settings file the bot saves in the local folder.

Logs can be found by clicking Help -> View Logs
The settings will be located in the runemate folder (same parent folder as logs) ../RuneMate/bots/storage/DanBlastFurnaceBeta/ALIAS.settings
Feb 3, 2021
Logs sent in a conversation

Deleting this did allow me to start the bot again. I started the bot with the goldsmith gauntlets equipped and ice gloves in inventory (previously I had ice gloves equipped and goldsmith gauntlets in inventory), and it's now working perfectly.

However, when I started, I only had no ore in the inventory - the bot didn't do anything at all. It would close the bank interface on its own. I paused the bot, withdrew some gold ore, and it's now running smoothly.
Oct 21, 2018
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Oct 21, 2018
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Oct 21, 2018
dahnae updated Dan Blast Furnace Beta with a new update entry:

Dan Blast Furnace Beta v1.0.4 Released!

Dan Blast Furnace Beta updated to v1.0.4.
  • Fixed a UI bug that would throw an exception
  • Fixed a bug where goldsmithing gloves would be equipped unnecessarily
  • Fixed a bug that made the bot try to take the bars without cooling first (if not using ice gloves)
  • Unfortunately, the previous bug fix added a new bug that breaks the bot if using ice gloves, a fix is in the queue.

Read the rest of this update entry...
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Oct 21, 2018
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Oct 21, 2018
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Oct 21, 2018
Is it only me or when I start the script it goes max laggy :O both on my pc and my server
It's pretty smooth on my pc on a single instance, but I can notice some lag with 2+ instances. I'll try to optimize the bot cpu usage at some point.
@Bjotorsflav An update is in the queue. It should help with cpu usage and improve the bot's performance (I'm getting ~20% more bars per hour)
Oct 21, 2018
dahnae updated Dan Blast Furnace Beta with a new update entry:

Dan Blast Furnace Beta v1.1.0 Released!

Dan Blast Furnace Beta updated to v1.1.0.
  • Improved a lot of small things, resulting in less cpu usage and better performance
  • Added a bot state tracker (tells you what action the bot tries to do)
  • Added a "Delayer Settings" which allows you to reduce or increase the overall bot delays
With this update, you can expect less lag and ~20% more bars per hour. My account that was getting 2k adamantite bars is now getting 2.5k/hr.

Read the rest of this update entry...
The latest update causes the bot to crash when it tries to :
  • Fill the bucket
  • Open the bank to pay the foreman
There might be others that I haven't noticed.
It's a very minor bug (UI only) but still a crash nonetheless. An update to fix this is in the queue.
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