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Quantum Woodcutting Lite [Deleted]

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Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Tree request :)
  1. What location: Fossil Island Hardwood Grove
  2. What logs: Teak (some people would like Mahogany here too, you can plant either)
  3. Closest banking option: Agility shortcut to the bank Southeast of grove
  4. Anything special: Very good spot for cutting and banking Teaks/mahogany.
  5. Game type (OSRS/RS3): OSRS

Can you make this work for banking oak logs at Castlewars?
MaxiWoodcutter supports both of these ;)
Oct 20, 2020
yew trees in falador is really buggy wont go to the yew trees i have to manually start it then it will go for like 20 minutes then stop
Nov 10, 2020
Lovely bot - has gotten me from 1-61 in a day *HOWEVER* for SOME reason, whenever I want it to bank for me, it teleports me to the new clanswars in the wilderness. which wasnt an issue powerchopping willows and dropping them, but now i want to bank my yews but cant,
Nov 21, 2020
When i choose for the option chop yews at lumbridge, it doesnt bank automatically, i have to run there myself...
Is there maybe a little issue in the script or am i doing something wrong?
other than that, its a really nice bot! got me op till a nice leven :)
Nov 21, 2020
I left the char cutting yew in Edgeville, when he filled the bag instead of going to the bank to deposit he used teleport for the mini game clan war
Dec 10, 2020
Very easy to use bot, but im having a problem, when woodcutting in draynor i pick draynor bank and tag the closest bank option and i pick willows. but for some odd reason my character automatically teleports to the minigame fishing trawler? I have to manually make him go to the bank to bank my full inventory. And in seers village i manually have to start woodcutting maple trees or the bot just stands in one place and does nothing and sometimes it works and some times it doesnt, in seers village sometimes my character wont even bank. HELP
Very easy to use bot, but im having a problem, when woodcutting in draynor i pick draynor bank and tag the closest bank option and i pick willows. but for some odd reason my character automatically teleports to the minigame fishing trawler? I have to manually make him go to the bank to bank my full inventory. And in seers village i manually have to start woodcutting maple trees or the bot just stands in one place and does nothing and sometimes it works and some times it doesnt, in seers village sometimes my character wont even bank. HELP
it seems to be working fine now after i untagged (use closest bank) . Maybe for Draynor location (Use closest bank) option should be disabled? Thanks tho, awesome bot love it
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