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Bug Failed to bind to the game client because "Session has expired"

Jul 10, 2019

i've been having this issue since late last night. I've been botting through the week perfectly fine but then last night it started to stop bots after about 30-40 mins without breaks enabled. When i came back to restart the bots it just give me the error "Failed to bind to the game client because "Session has expired"".

I have deleted and re-downloaded both runemate and osrs and now it wont even start a bot for the 30-40 mins, it just gives this error right away.

Anyone else experiencing this or got any tips to get it working?
Update: Just tried again after leaving it for a few hours. It loaded a bot and palyed for about 20 minutes then the bot just stopped in the middle of chopping a tree. When i tried to restart the bot it just session the same error as before about the session expired again.
RuneMate Staff
Oct 2, 2015
This is usually due to a network connection issue.

Do you use a WiFi or ethernet connection? Do you use a VPN?

If you don't already, try a wired (ethernet) connection without using a VPN and see if you get better results.
Jul 10, 2019
Unfortunately where I live im unable to use an ethernet connection. No I don't use a vpn. But the internet speeds and connection are great for everything else. Never had an issue before.
I'm still getting the issue. Just started up my PC loaded up runemate, clicked to start OSRS client (Which starts to the login screen), Then click start instance to link runemate to the client and it just give the same error:

Failed to bind to the game client because "Session has expired"

How can the session have expired when it hasn't even started yet?
Now its starting doing 20-30 mins then the bot stops and it says the session has expired.. Is this purely a connection issue? im not being logged out of the game or losing internet connection anywhere else.
Has anyone got any other suggestions? This is still happening. Bots run for 20-30 mins then the session just ends and says Failed to bind to the game client because "Session has expired" when trying to start it again.

This has been going on for a couple days now and i cant bot for longer than 20 minutes without having to log out or runemate and restart.

Any help is appreciated.
Bump. Still happening.. getting really frustrating now. 30 minute maximum botting time before it stops and says session has expired.
Latest run was 00:14:49 then session expired
Jun 24, 2019
This is usually due to a network connection issue.

Do you use a WiFi or ethernet connection? Do you use a VPN?

If you don't already, try a wired (ethernet) connection without using a VPN and see if you get better results.

I've been having the same issue since about the start of this week. I tested my internet and everything is running just fine. I don't use a VPN. I also get a message telling me that Runemate can't bind to game client.
#1 Fabric Cleaner
Mar 18, 2017
Fabreeze, this is not resolved. It's still happening weeks after i first reported it.

If you read through the thread I linked....

“It means that your computer was unable to communicate with the runemate servers for atleast 5 minutes”

Thats an issue that is due to your connection, don’t know what else to say. We can’t really fix your connection :/
Last edited:
Jul 10, 2019
But im not losing connection to anything else. Runescape stays logged in. My laptop stays online and also xbox has no issues. It's only the connection with runemate so must be a problem that end?
Jun 24, 2019
I had the same issue! But apparently when using a VPN it fixes this problem. I've been using a VPN for about 2 weeks now and the connection seems to work just fine