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QuickMotherlode PRO [Deleted]

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Nov 4, 2013
Hyperion submitted a new resource:

QuickMotherlode PRO - Getting Prospectors Kit has never been easier!

QuickMotherlode PRO

Available on the Bot Store.

  • Supports multiple areas: West, South, East, and Upper level.
  • Option to empty sack after each inventory or after it gets full.
  • Smart strut reparing.
  • Supports Sack double-size upgrade.
  • Dragon Pickaxe special attacks.
  • Tunnel shortcut support.
  • Unlimited run-time....

Read more about this resource...
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Nov 4, 2018
I've got 70+ nuggets from this but been noticing it is getting hung up after getting ores from the sack and will just sit there.
Nov 8, 2018
I noticed that the bot only starts to work when im next to the bank chest since it wants to open the chest first to empty inventory. If im at the ores and there is a rock in the way it wont to anything untill i manually walk to the chest. After that it runs perfectly.
Nov 11, 2018
great bot..but..
-you can get stuck when you're running to flag point but the rocks fall and get in your way and the bot just freezes until someone else destroys it or i manually do it.
-weird movements involved with the west side i know its trying to look human like but i'm running back and forth several times and this is 1+ hours into the bot
-please add a Break Handler so i don't have to Babysit all the time
-the Dragon Pick Spec could be used more smartly such as only enable after emptied pay-dirt/ore into bank not right before you put the pay dirt in the hopper or 2-10 ores before full inventory
-World Hopper when it gets a bit busy
Nov 4, 2013
I've got 70+ nuggets from this but been noticing it is getting hung up after getting ores from the sack and will just sit there.
Could you send me the log?
I noticed that the bot only starts to work when im next to the bank chest since it wants to open the chest first to empty inventory. If im at the ores and there is a rock in the way it wont to anything untill i manually walk to the chest. After that it runs perfectly.
Will be fixed with next update. Thanks.
great bot..but..
-you can get stuck when you're running to flag point but the rocks fall and get in your way and the bot just freezes until someone else destroys it or i manually do it.
-weird movements involved with the west side i know its trying to look human like but i'm running back and forth several times and this is 1+ hours into the bot
-please add a Break Handler so i don't have to Babysit all the time
-the Dragon Pick Spec could be used more smartly such as only enable after emptied pay-dirt/ore into bank not right before you put the pay dirt in the hopper or 2-10 ores before full inventory
-World Hopper when it gets a bit busy
Break handler coming with next update :) I've addressed the issues you mentioned so do let me know how the new update works for you.
Nov 8, 2018
Stellar bot so far! Is there a way to hand edit the break times? if not, that would be a cool addition.
Nov 14, 2018
I would like to see a randomizer that would switch the region of the mine you mine in every like 10-15 minutes or so, start off north, then west, etc etc
I would like to see a randomizer that would switch the region of the mine you mine in every like 10-15 minutes or so, start off north, then west, etc etc
ALso to add onto this, SOmething maybe make it more human like? Make a random 15 second to 1 min 30 second break schedule since in non botting community this is considered a very afk method.
Nov 11, 2018
just used your bot for 6 hours and 8 mins Break handler seem to work great its the first time i didn't babysit the bot but i did have one problem from 05:18-finish it got stuck luckily i haven't got banned but where can i send you the log for you to check what happened. i also ended up with a bronze pickaxe in my inventory too
Nov 4, 2013
Stellar bot so far! Is there a way to hand edit the break times? if not, that would be a cool addition.
It's currently not possible to do that, but you can generate a new break profile with different run/break ratios.
I would like to see a randomizer that would switch the region of the mine you mine in every like 10-15 minutes or so, start off north, then west, etc etc

ALso to add onto this, SOmething maybe make it more human like? Make a random 15 second to 1 min 30 second break schedule since in non botting community this is considered a very afk method.
Most likely not going to add the randomizer, but I'll consider making the method more afk-like.
just used your bot for 6 hours and 8 mins Break handler seem to work great its the first time i didn't babysit the bot but i did have one problem from 05:18-finish it got stuck luckily i haven't got banned but where can i send you the log for you to check what happened. i also ended up with a bronze pickaxe in my inventory too
Send me the log via PM. It got the pickaxe from one of the crates, I assume it miss-clicked.
Nov 12, 2018
the uper area dos not work good at all. from going down the ladder to hopper it takes like 20 sec to clikc it. then when getting back is even worse. it takes like 40 sec becouse it clicks on 2-3 places on the ground first to then click the ladder, and when up it never mines the ore just in front of him that are so much more esieser and faster. ut just takes 30 sec to click on the rock to mine that away and then 30 sec agian to find a ore to mine. it seems like the uper area only has 3-4 ore locations it clicks on. when getting down it is pretty good of there is no rock in the way of ot is then agoan 20 sec to click on it. and when picking up ore and banking them the first ore run it just stands on the bank cheast like 20 sec before clicking it. the whole uper area needs to be made agian in this but. I see no reeason i should use this bot at the time
Nov 4, 2013
the uper area dos not work good at all. from going down the ladder to hopper it takes like 20 sec to clikc it. then when getting back is even worse. it takes like 40 sec becouse it clicks on 2-3 places on the ground first to then click the ladder, and when up it never mines the ore just in front of him that are so much more esieser and faster. ut just takes 30 sec to click on the rock to mine that away and then 30 sec agian to find a ore to mine. it seems like the uper area only has 3-4 ore locations it clicks on. when getting down it is pretty good of there is no rock in the way of ot is then agoan 20 sec to click on it. and when picking up ore and banking them the first ore run it just stands on the bank cheast like 20 sec before clicking it. the whole uper area needs to be made agian in this but. I see no reeason i should use this bot at the time
It looks as if you're running a completely different bot than me: when I run it it's fully responsive within a normal human reaction time boundry. It seems something is causing it to run extra slow on your machine. Do you mind sending me the log and your computer specs via PM?
Nov 21, 2016
Hi, real good script but there is one little problem!
When it is getting the ores from the machine it's walking this path:

Can you fix this please?
Nov 2, 2018
Actually having the same issue as sebastian. Clicking the bank to deposit ores and the ladder to climb to the upper area take a few attempts (sometimes several). I've also had a few extremely long sessions (like 10+ hours) of it working perfectly well, but on some occasions it does slow to a crawl after about half an hour.

Windows 10 Pro
Intel UHD 620 Integrated/GTX 1060 6 GB
16 GB Ram
Nov 11, 2018
does this bot also support the gem pack im 80+ mining and im upstairs upgraded the sack but if the bot doesnt support the gem pack i wont invest in it
Nov 4, 2013
Hi, real good script but there is one little problem!
When it is getting the ores from the machine it's walking this path:

Can you fix this please?
I'll adjust it with v1.1.17
Actually having the same issue as sebastian. Clicking the bank to deposit ores and the ladder to climb to the upper area take a few attempts (sometimes several). I've also had a few extremely long sessions (like 10+ hours) of it working perfectly well, but on some occasions it does slow to a crawl after about half an hour.

Windows 10 Pro
Intel UHD 620 Integrated/GTX 1060 6 GB
16 GB Ram
I assume the client starts bugging from time to time. If that happens, restart your RuneMate client and clear jagex cache.
does this bot also support the gem pack im 80+ mining and im upstairs upgraded the sack but if the bot doesnt support the gem pack i wont invest in it
Currently, it does not support gem pack.
Aug 21, 2018
I have gotten many nuggets and levels with this script without a ban. Do the breaks work? I start the script with breaks enabled and configured. However, I never am able to catch it breaking. This lead me to believe maybe the breaks didn't work and I wanted to ask here. Thanks! Great script! Full prospector, gem bag, coal bag, and access to upper level from level 42 all from this script! The only thing I would change, and please don't take this as criticism, would be a log area so we can check on breaks! Thanks!
Nov 11, 2018
I have gotten many nuggets and levels with this script without a ban. Do the breaks work? I start the script with breaks enabled and configured. However, I never am able to catch it breaking. This lead me to believe maybe the breaks didn't work and I wanted to ask here. Thanks! Great script! Full prospector, gem bag, coal bag, and access to upper level from level 42 all from this script! The only thing I would change, and please don't take this as criticism, would be a log area so we can check on breaks! Thanks!
I've used the breaks a few times and its worked fine, but now i do 2-3 hours at a time and sign out for 20 mins then continue again, i also use a remote client (teamviewer) so i can control my laptop from my Iphone to check up on it, i highly recommend this if you havent got this.
May 10, 2017
Only issue I experience is it often gets stuck behind the south most wheel because it tries to run but a rock falls in its path.
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