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- #41
I have the setting arrays for the assignment-tasks left from back in the day, is it not the same varp in osrs? I assumed it'd be at a new location maybe but the same shift, haven't checked yet. Am i confusing varps with something else?If it's OSRS, how are you planning on retrieving the task information from a Varp? I saw you mentioned it earlier in the thread.
I assumed it was available from OSBuddy's implementation, was that wrong? Honestly been pulling from new task interface when you retrieve and gem on startup, haven't looked yet. Haven't been just grabbing it.
So if it isn't a varp, I honestly don't know off the top of my head how to pull it from nothing. Will have to think about it, look into it. Any ideas?
EDIT: Just sayin, I've been wrong before and I'll be wrong again, I'm cool with it lol. Teach me, I've been here for 4 days lol.
small update converted gui:

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