Hexis Fighter
Fight to level!
Tombs of Amascut Mate
The ultimate tomb raider!
Smart Agility
Level 80 agility at the click of a button
Hexis Account Builder
Automate your Max cape, today.
Hexis Leagues
Temporary levels, permanent fun
Based Chaos Druids
The ultimate herb farmer
Silence's Blast Furnace
Forging your smithing level to 99!
Misfits Flyfish and Cook
Easy afk Fishing and Cooking
Kush Account Builder
One click and this bot will do it all!
Cuppa Museum Quiz
Cheat on your exams!
QuickHerblore Lite
Quick and effortless way to level your Herblore!
QuickHerblore PRO
Hexis Tele-Alch
No time to talk, gotta go!
Based Ultracompost
Creates the finest ultracompost in Gielinor
Noble 1.5T Daeyalt
Dan Tiara Imbuer
Imbue tiaras for fast low-level RC exp
Always stealin seeds esskeetit
Fally Beers Buyer
Buys ales in falador. Great for level 3 starters
KOR Abyss RC
Into the Abyss!
Noble True Bloods
Progress those end levels