Tombs of Amascut Mate

The ultimate tomb raider!

150 Reviews

Tombs of Amascut Mate efficiently completes your favorite raid! Take your raiding to the next level with the following features:


- supports solo raids, no teams
- very high raid levels (530+)
- manages your invocations
- advanced pathfinding - intelligently skips and paths around danger
- broad support for equipment
- supports thralls
- efficient use of supplies throughout the raid
- keris partisan of the sun support
- lazy prayer support - more human like prayers at the cost of prayer points



- kills Ba-Ba using red-x!
- boulderdash with your weapon of choice (must one-hit boulders!) - including blowpipe, bowfa and crossbows
- supports all invocations


- intelligent positioning to deal with scarabs
- traps the soldier scarab
- intelligently places dung to preserve space


- supports 5 tick butterfly cycle
- intelligently kites around akkha while it's in melee state
- uses the staircase method to avoid memory blasts
- skips shadow dps check detonations
- intelligently avoids placing trailing orbs on relevant positions
- zero damage enrage phase thanks to the advanced pathfinding
- supports all invocations (keep back not optimized)


- intelligently avoids danger, with or without blood clouds
- uses the gaps in the waves rather than wave skipping
- protects against blood magic
- supports all invocations


Wardens obelisk
- tick-eats to avoid supply waste
- intelligent positioning
- supports all invocations
Wardens phase 2
- intelligently manages special attacks allowing 2 downs
- supports all invocations
Wardens phase 3
- perfect attack and movement timing
- skips the skulls for bonus points
- supports all invocations



- lightning fast monkey murdering!
- intelligent target selection and protection prayers


- lightning fast puzzle solving!


- only needs one cycle to complete!


- tick-perfect palm watering!

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Most recent
Mar 27, 2025
Version: 1.7.17
Bot just get stuck turning off an on middle mouse button for camera and will just stay there. doesnt matter if i log and reset bot it just keeps turning it off and on
Mar 24, 2025
Version: 1.7.17
Average KIll on mAx GEar on 300 is like 10/1i have tried changing settings but worse was is when he stays afk for a long time i have used this SCipt for nearly 15 hrs and so far there were 2 success
Mar 23, 2025
Version: 1.7.17
works fine but doesn't drink/eat enough at warden last phase so it dies a bunch of times, out of 3 raids it only survived once cause I manually ate
Mar 22, 2025
Version: 1.7.17
MAJOR MAJOR issues at BaBa. Dies almost every time. Attempted about 15 times with maybe 1 success. Needs an update badly, and I'm wanting a refund for money wasted.
Mar 20, 2025
Version: 1.7.17
Bot breaks all the time for no reason needs major updates received a 1 day ban stay clear its very unreliable