Cuppa Pickpocket
Cor blimey mate, what are ye doing in me pockets?
Cuppa Miner AIO
Mine like a super dwarf!
Mikes Bankstander
Versatile bankstander for variety of skills
Hexis Slayer AIO
Your pocket-sized Slayer, ready to roll!
Mikes Mage Bankstander
Simply magic
Woodcutting Mate Preview
Chop chop, let's get deforesting!
Based Crabber
Fettle those crabs
Fighter Mate Beta
You can't spell slaughter without laughter
Strings those bows tighter than your boot straps!
Echo Fighter
Fights em all
Cuppa Karambwans
Capture some bwans, bwana.
Cuppa Brimhaven Agility Arena
Tickets, please!
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck?
Kush AIO Woodcutter Forestry Lite
Chops and burns/fletches/banks
ApexCrabber PRO
The proper way of dealing with crabs.
Mikes Firemaking
Traditional log lighting bot
Mining Mate Preview
Hi ho hi ho, it's off to work we go!
Qve AIOFighter (LITE)
Npc's gotta die.
Daz 3-Tick Barbarian fishing - South of CoX
Three tick barbarian fishing cox
Cuppa Stall Thief [BETA]
Look at all this free stuff laying around!