Based Crabber

Fettle those crabs

7 Reviews

Supported locations
1. Crabclaw Isle
2. Crabclaw Cave (King Sand Crabs & Sand Crabs)
3. Fossil Island
4. Port Phasmatys
5. Rellekka West & East
6. Zeah Shore South
More coming soon

1. AFK: Select a camping location and the bot will stay there to gain experience.
2. Active: The bot will actively seek out crabs at the selected location.
The bot will automatically reset aggro when it is lost

Potion support
1. Attack
2. Strength
3. Defence
4. Combat
5. Ranging
6. Magic
7. Super attack
8. Super strength
9. Super defence
10. Super combat
More coming soon

Banking support
1. Most locations have banking support, and the bot can restock potions and food when needed.

Additional features
1. Special Attack support with two modes: Active and Flexible
2. Looting support
3. Consuming food when health is low

Spoiler content hidden.

Most recent
Sep 11, 2024
Version: 1.1.5
Very good crabber. I've had no issues with it at all, does exactly what I expect and couldn't ask for it to do more
Jul 21, 2024
Version: 1.1.3
This bot would be amazing if You added dragon battleaxe special!!!!! <3
Author Response
This should already be supported. If it is not working for you, could you please send me a private message?
Jul 18, 2024
Version: 1.1.1
I reported a minor issue and the fix was live within an hour. This bot author fucks.
Jul 10, 2024
Version: 1.1.0
The bot works very well, but seems to not be able to bank at the fossil island locations. Sometimes the locate coordinates just spin as wel, but may be a visual bug since the bot will still move away and reset crabs and the. Return. If you walk to your spot it will still reset for you and that’s the only setup needed. Other than seemingly not banking it’s excellent.
Jul 03, 2024
Version: 1.1.0
Works great, well priced, doesn't get stuck on anything. great bot!