Catch Chompas, Log from pkers. EZ.
Start at ferox with box traps in your inventory (+ seedpod if you have one) and a ring of dueling equipped. Make sure you have plenty spare traps and dueling rings in your bank
Most recent
Feb 24, 2025
Version: 1.2.14
why does it tele to edgeville then to ferox then to revs? why cant it bank at edgeviller and go right to revs? also should be an option for how many boxes should be kept minimum.
Author Response
Good point, the revs tele and the glory for bank tele were later additions and i didnt account for using both. Ill look into this tomorrow.
As for boxes it will always try to keep the same amount that you start with
Feb 20, 2025
Version: 1.2.14
Gets stuck at the wildy ditch and at ferax. after placing it by hand at the chins it worked fine for 1 hour than i recieved a ban.
Feb 15, 2025
Version: 1.2.14
Despite it sometimes needing fixing and a few errors. I've been using this for months. Smurf is always willing to fix it and overall it has made me easily 1.5b+ amazing script! Any issues are quickly fixed!
Jan 08, 2025
Version: 1.2.10
Great script, but sometimes it'll break. It'll bank inventory, grab teles but no boxes, tele up run down then tele back to bank. This will rinse and repeat until i stop it. It's 50/50 whether restarting app and client fixes it.
Nov 10, 2024
Version: 1.2.7
not realy good.when start,just stands in ferox and thets it.when you manuely tele to black chinchonmas then its starts working but jus until piker or bank,then its just do nothing