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wet rag
wet rag
Welcome :D
Fire cape bot seems to struggle on wave 55. Doesn’t try to safe spot so it tends to take hits from everywhere. Pretty out of food but the time it gets to wave 59 since they also have monsters on that wave.
RuneMate has been updated (again just now) and everything should be working if you restart OSRS & RuneMate. As always, feel free to test using trials.
Hey mate, was there an update to the new Moons program? It was running flawlessly, now its dying after 1 or 2 runs?
There was a game update today so Runemate was buggy.

Everything should be working if you've restarted OSRS & RuneMate (or your PC), but a lot of people seem to be reporting that RuneMate isn't updating correctly for them today.

If the issue persists I'd recommend just testing using trials so you don't get charged, or trying again later.
I’ve spent about 15 dollars trying to get 1 cape with 75 range 77 defence over 80hp. Multiple setups but still no luck. Any suggestions? Furthest I got was wave 54. There were a few instances I got charged but bot settings weren’t input… started bot, runemate shut down. I’ll keep trying but at some point if I can’t get it I’ve wasted a lot
hi, was just curious if you could update your vorkath mate, for some reason my guy gets stuck in this loop where he uses my POH to lunar isle, uses a teleport to house tab, and repeat. never used to do this before. all settings are set to the same when i used this earlier in the year, thank you!
yoo pleaseeee look into the sepulchre mate.. you're losing money on my side, i love running the bot but for comparison my personal bests gone from 5-6 minutes to almost 10 minutes a floor... its wasting money tbh ive spent some good pennys and would love to spend more. but the mistakes are outrageous for this price honestly.. left 2 reviews so far and no update on bot
like this.. jsut finishing the 4th floor with 2:30 remaining lmao its ridiculous honestly going to stop the bot until something is done. its supposed to be a good money making strat. but the incompetence of the bot fixes have deemed it a loss. you could easily charge more if this shit was crispy like it used to be.


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using hunter, just started doing red chins, noticed when trap falls due to not having any interaction with chinny, it gets stuck on "resetting trap" and just stands there, when i reset manually it starts working again
Howdy :) So people have reported chin issues intermittently... And I'm not sure what to recommend honestly, as any time I test the bot myself it runs totally smoothly. I can try to stress test the bot soon and see what I can get ironed out, but I'm really not certain honestly, besides the general debugging (making sure plugins arent interfering, restart osrs & runemate and test using lite etc)
Does it happen every time it falls..?
hey i think i fixed the problem, yes everytime but when i turned direct input off it worked fine for me, not sure how that could cause it to happen?
been running brimhaven agility for about an hr now works ok, just gets stuck on saw trap,gets hit almost everytime while going through
I'm fairly sure the saw traps success rate is rng, not due to timing? I could be mistaken though
im pretty sure its timing, but the clicks on the trap are 2 slow by the time it clicks the trap saw is up and just repeats but eventually gets to other side,not a big deal was just letting you know XD and the plank keeps clicking on broken one :(
yeah there are still a couple things i need to improve (planks being the biggest imo) and i'll try to get them ironed out soon. but for planks, they do rotate randomly so it will *eventually* get the right one atm
hey i get stuck i bot of gardian of rifts
its stuck when charge the great gardaian
im paying alot of money please help
I think I replied to your message on discord too? But;

There was a game update today; Please restart osrs & RM (or your pc), make sure no plugins are interfering, and test using the trial. If the issue persists please dm me a log (help > view logs)
hey its still thee same what i can do ?
please dm me a log (help > view logs)
got an issue with lava steam smoke it wont use any spells just stalls on that step
Hey I think I replied on discord, but I'll paste the response here too:

It should be working; If you have any spellbook filters on or plugins which could interfere make sure to disable them

Overall though the bot is in a bit of an as is state due to it's low use; Though it should work, you could also try Mike's
Did the giant foundry menu update? Gyazo
Cause i cant figure out how to change the alloys and number of bars to put in and its glitching out when it goes to bank now
The old layout felt better tbh
new layout broke it for sure