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Would like to share my experience so far

Jan 21, 2017
Hi Everyone, I'm new to Runemate and after about a year of not playing I got an itch again. Only thing is I don't really have time to play the game which is why I bot. I'm not new to botting but after looking around Runemate was really the only client that looked promising and being kept up to date.

So I made 2 new fresh F2p accounts. I also got a VPN originally for other reasons but now also have it running while botting so in the event I get banned they cant IP ban me. At least I don't think so(feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.). In the past, I have been banned using side accounts, other clients, and not really botting smart. This time I wanted to do better.

As of right this minute I have been using Runemate for around 40 hours between both of my f2p accounts in about 5-7 days. So far so good. No Ban! What I like to do is only have one bot running at once and only bot for a max of 6 hours. I also change the skill im working on each day.
One day it might be WC another day maybe a mix of combat skills. When I'm done with one account for the day I hop on the other one and do the same things mix skills between days so I'm not gaining to many levels in one skill to quickly.
Overall on both accounts, my stats are as follows.

Atk/Str/Def = 21
WC = 40 something
Fishing = 40 something

To be honest that's all I have been training so far and each a different day.
I would also just like to say thanks to Runemate and all the devs who make bots for doing what you do and for so far(if done right) a safe and fun botting experience.

P.S I don't know why I decided to share this but If someone learns from it I'm ok with that.

Sorry for the wall of text.
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