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Tutorial Why you should switch to a TreeBot

Nov 3, 2013
Hi guys, I looked around the forums but couldn't find any tutorials or even an explanation of the newish TreeBot class and seeing as I wrote it, I figured I might as well write up an explanation of the logic.


This thread is meant to not only inform, but also convince you to switch over your current bots to the new API. So if you've been debating converting but don't know where to start, or if you had no idea this was even a thing, sit down for a minute and read this, and hopefully by the end you will be ready and wanting to convert your Bots to this new powerful methodology.

1. What's wrong with LoopingBots?
While is perfectly possible to implement a working bot on this platform, there is a conflict in how humans think and how the machine thinks. The issue that many authors run into here, is they try to perform multiple actions during a single loop iteration. This may not seem like a problem at first, but what you need to consider is the volatile state of Runescape. Things are always changing. For example consider trying to decant potions, to do this, you might use your potion on the NPC.

To a human this will seem as if it is one or two actions, but from a bot standpoint, it is actually several:
1. Verify Inventory is open
2. Right click potion
3. Select Menu option
4. Click on NPC

A novice programmer may try to perform this as one action. They may in fact find the NPC before clicking the potion, however when they finally get around to clicking the NPC, it's 300ms later and he has moved. (I don't think that NPC does move, but for the sake of example, assume he does). So now your bot has more potential to misclick. This was all caused by outdated information, which could have been solved by querying for the state of the game before every input.

Looking at this, you might be like "Fine, I'll just gather all of the information that I need every loop iteration, then make one action". This will solve the issue to some extent, but you have to remember that even though the decision made by the computer is near instantaneous, it is only "near" and still takes time. This means that data gathered should be as close to the action as possible, which can be implemented in a LoopingBot with a massive if/else if/else block as seen here in this loop function:
Exia-Mining-All-In-One/StandardMiner.java at master · JohnRThomas/Exia-Mining-All-In-One · GitHub

While this works, it's not very nice to think about and can be difficult to find exactly what action you are looking for. Also it just ends up being an implementation of the TreeBot without the nice wrapper and clarity the TreeBot platform provides.

2. What's wrong with TaskBots?
The TaskBot was a good attempt at solving the main issue of LoopingBots, that is, it forces the author to perform a single action per loop iteration. The issue with it though, is that it limits the author by forcing them to over validate situations. Because it can only perform an action when a validator is true, this simply throws away information. If you have a boolean condition, by the nature of it, it only has two states. So if I'm checking whether or not the inventory is full, I should not have to also check if it is not full too. The TaskBot forces you to do this.

The TaskBot also falls short when you consider action ordering. Action ordering can be inferred, but it cannot be enforced, which is very limiting to the author when you realize that each action is decided by a string of validated information, and not just by a single validator. What do I mean when I say it cannot be enforced? I mean that while you know all of the previous validators have evaluated to false, you don't know if there are any further validators that would run after your current validator that would reduce ambiguity of the state even further. And yes, you can finagle the ordering of the validators to get it to work, but you shouldn't have to. There should be an explicit way of ordering the validators and tieing a task to each one's evaluation, whether true or false.

3. What is the TreeBot?
First off you'll need to know what a tree is, so read up here:
Tree (data structure) - Wikipedia
Binary tree - Wikipedia
Binary search tree - Wikipedia
Assuming you understand a binary search tree, then you understand the TreeBot, because it's actually just a slightly modified binary search tree. The key to this implementation, is that you are searching for the desired action using the state of that game as input, and instead integer comparisons, it will be using validators to traverse either right or left on the tree. The other thing you need to know is that each action must reside in a leaf node of the tree. That's really all you need to know.

4. How does the TreeBot solve the problems of TaskBot?
First let me explicitly identify the three issues with the TaskBot:
1. Validators result in two states, but you can only act off of one of them forcing double validation of test and NOT test.
2. No multiple validation of actions. Imagine writing a program with no AND or OR operator, it's possible, but takes extra work.
3. No explicit ordering of validators based off previous evaluations.
These are all solved basically by the nature of a tree.
1. Solved because each validator has two children, meaning you can use both paths after a single validation.
2. This is hard to explain, but basically it comes down to using the structure of the tree and only testing validators in order.
3. This is solved by the parent and child relationship structure of each node. Very similar to #2

5. API explanation of classes
So first off, you can check out the API here. There are four classes that you need to know about:
1. TreeBot
This is the base class that holds the tree. Do all of your normal things like a gui here.​
createRootTask - This is where you create you tree. Whether you chose to return a static tree that is defined at compile time, or build one in this function based on GUI input or game version is up to you. The only thing that you need to worry about is making sure none of your task nodes are null.​

2. TreeTask

3. BranchTask

4. LeafTask
execute -​

6. Examples
This github repository holds a couple of example implementations on how to make a very simple bot that will withdraw a banana for you.
GitHub - MihaelBercic/TreeBot: An example for scripters

7. Tips
TODO: Talk about balancing trees

Let me know if you have any questions or want me to talk about anything specific.
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Go check out new bots and give helpful feedback.
Jan 31, 2016
Hi guys, I looked around the forums but couldn't find any tutorials or even an explanation of the newish TreeBot class and seeing as I wrote it, I figured I might as well write up an explanation of the logic.


This thread is meant to not only inform, but also convince you to switch over your current bots to the new API. So if you've been debating converting but don't know where to start, or if you had no idea this was even a thing, sit down for a minute and read this, and hopefully by the end you will be ready and wanting to convert your Bots to this new powerful methodology.

1. What's wrong with LoopingBots?
While is perfectly possible to implement a working bot on this platform, there is a conflict in how humans think and how the machine thinks. The issue that many authors run into here, is they try to perform multiple actions during a single loop iteration. This may not seem like a problem at first, but what you need to consider is the volatile state of Runescape. Things are always changing. For example consider trying to decant potions, to do this, you might use your potion on the NPC.

To a human this will seem as if it is one or two actions, but from a bot standpoint, it is actually several:
1. Verify Inventory is open
2. Right click potion
3. Select Menu option
4. Click on NPC

A novice programmer may try to perform this as one action. They may in fact find the NPC before clicking the potion, however when they finally get around to clicking the NPC, it's 300ms later and he has moved. (I don't think that NPC does move, but for the sake of example, assume he does). So now your bot has more potential to misclick. This was all caused by outdated information, which could have been solved by querying for the state of the game before every input.

Looking at this, you might be like "Fine, I'll just gather all of the information that I need every loop iteration, then make one action". This will solve the issue to some extent, but you have to remember that even though the decision made by the computer is near instantaneous, it is only "near" and still takes time. This means that data gathered should be as close to the action as possible, which can be implemented in a LoopingBot with a massive if/else if/else block as seen here in this loop function:
Exia-Mining-All-In-One/StandardMiner.java at master · JohnRThomas/Exia-Mining-All-In-One · GitHub

While this works, it's not very nice to think about and can be difficult to find exactly what action you are looking for.

2. What's wrong with TaskBots?
The TaskBot was a good attempt at solving the main issue of LoopingBots, that is, it forces the author to perform a single action per loop iteration. The issue with it though, is that it limits the author by forcing them to over validate situations. Because it can only perform an action when a validator is true, this simply throws away information. If you have a boolean condition, by the nature of it, it only has two states. So if I'm checking whether or not the inventory is full, I should not have to also check if it is not full too. The TaskBot forces you to do this.

The TaskBot also falls short when you consider action ordering. Action ordering can be inferred, but it cannot be enforced, which is very limiting to the author when you realize that each action is decided by a string of validated information, and not just by a single validator. What do I mean when I say it cannot be enforced? I mean that while you know all of the previous validators have evaluated to false, you don't know if there are any further validators that would run after your current validator that would reduce ambiguity of the state even further. And yes, you can finagle the ordering of the validators to get it to work, but you shouldn't have to. There should be an explicit way of ordering the validators and tieing a task to each one's evaluation, whether true or false.

3. What is the TreeBot?
First off you'll need to know what a tree is, so read up here: Tree (data structure) - Wikipedia
Binary tree - Wikipedia
From here on, I'm going to assume you know what both a tree and more importantly, what a binary tree is, because the TreeBot is just a binary tree.
TODO: finish up basic concept explanation

4. How does the TreeBot solve the problems of TaskBot?
First let me explicitly identify the three issues with the TaskBot:
1. Validators result in two states, but you can only act off of one of them forcing double validation of test and NOT test.
2. No multiple validation of actions. Imagine writing a program with no AND or OR operator, it's possible, but takes extra work.
3. No explicit ordering of validators based off previous evaluations.
TODO: Talk about each point.

5. API explanation of classes
TODO: Talk about all four classes

6. Example
TODO: basic bot example.

7. Tips
TODO: Talk about balancing trees

Let me know if you have any questions or want me to talk about anything specific.
Nice tutorial, i recently passed an open source simple quest bot using TreeBot. It is however my first TreeBot bot, and may be implemented badly. If you have time, check it out and see if it works as a good example that is a bit less complex than Exia Miner :D
Awesome Quester
Nov 3, 2013
Nice tutorial, i recently passed an open source simple quest bot using TreeBot. It is however my first TreeBot bot, and may be implemented badly. If you have time, check it out and see if it works as a good example that is a bit less complex than Exia Miner :D
Awesome Quester
Thanks, do you happen to have it up on github? Would be great because I'm not always in a place where I download zip files from RM :)
Go check out new bots and give helpful feedback.
Jan 31, 2016
Thanks, do you happen to have it up on github? Would be great because I'm not always in a place where I download zip files from RM :)
No sorry I haven't really used github much. I can try sometime
s̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶ bot*
Aug 23, 2015
I'm very interested in seeing an example of this. I'm a little tired of my task system lol.
Nov 3, 2013
Updated a bit. Hopefully I can get the API explanation and an example up soon.
Nov 3, 2013
I finished the API write up, but then hit back and lost it. I don't feel like rewriting it all right now, but I put the links to the API back in and there are moderate descriptions on those pages for anyone interested. I would love to see any specific questions that you guys have so I can be sure to cover them, so post those please.
Dec 20, 2016
Epic tutorial!

Switched my bot from the deprecated TaskScript to TreeBot and I am seeing loads of improvements. It is much easier to work out logic and organize my methods.

A+ to you sir, however I have one question. How can I fix this:

[Caution: Performance Issue] NDivination is using the default loop delay of [200,400].
[Caution: Continued] It is HIGHLY suggested that you change this value within onStart(String... args) to prevent lag, resource waste, and to make your bots have more unique timings.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Mar 30, 2015
change setLoopDelay(); method in your onStart() method to whatever you want. There's nothing wrong with 200,400 but it's the default so the bot recommends to change away from that to better suit your code. Also you can still use TaskBot if you don't want to switch everything over.

Documentation: TreeBot
May 27, 2016
not sure if I will ever understand treebot, not for along time lol, would literally have to be shown it step by step. Ill stick too loopingscript for now.

thanks for the guide
s̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶ bot*
Aug 23, 2015
You can reference the link in my signature for an example on TreeBot if you'd like.
May 6, 2017
It actually isn't a binary search tree. It is just a binary tree. Suggesting that someone learn a binary search tree is really overcomplicating the problem. In reality a tree bot is just a looping bot with each the if/elses replaced by tree nodes which just improves maintainability.

Overall, a good tutorial on how to make a decision tree though.
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