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Question Wait for UI to finalize loading

Feb 15, 2021
I am creating a world hopper where I scout for other PK'ers. I am querying new players, and see if the result isEmpty or not. Then I'll hop to another world. Here comes the problem. Hopping sometimes takes a few seconds (in extreme cases 10 seconds). After hopping, the Worls.getCurrent(); returns the new world, but the UI hasn't updated yet showing us the players the bot saw before. I am wondering how to wait for the execution to finish.

I was thinking about Execution.delayUntil however this doesn't seem to work.

Execution.delaysUntil(() -> WorldHop.hopToRandom(true));
Apr 21, 2019
Id probably try something as follows. Before hopping, save the current world number as an int. Whenever you attempt to hop worlds, ensure Worlds.getCurrent() is different than the saved int. If it is, ensure the local player is not null, THEN run the rest of your code.

I believe this should work, but thats only if the local player actually returns null while hopping worlds, which im not certain is the case. But its worth investigating.