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- May 6, 2024
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- #1
I am getting this error on the new Client.
This is my Gradle build file.
This are the steps to compile my script. 1. build. 2. generateManifests.
Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.
23:47:48 [INFO ] [ RuneMate] The bot crashed on startup because of a NullPointerException
23:47:48 [ERROR] [ RuneMate] Failed to start instance
nul.iIiiIIiiiIiiiII: The bot crashed on startup because of a NullPointerException
at nul.IIIiiIiiiIiiIiI.IiIIIIiIIiiIiIi(hla:667) ~[RuneMate.jar:?]
at nul.IIIiiIiiiIiiIiI.iiiIIIiIIiiiIIi(hla:363) ~[RuneMate.jar:?]
at nul.IIiIIIiiiIiiIII.IIiiIIiIIiIIIiI(hla:122) ~[RuneMate.jar:?]
at nul.IIiIIIiiiIiiIII.run(hla:35) ~[RuneMate.jar:?]
Exception in thread "2040 - asd asd" kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property key has not been initialized
at nul.iIiIIIiiiiIIIii.iIiIiiiIIIiIIII(iid:113)
at nul.iIiIIIiiiiiiIii.IIIiIiiIIIiIIii(ced:550)
at nul.IIiIIIiiiIiiIII.run(hla:247)
This is my Gradle build file.
plugins {
id("com.runemate") version "1.0.0"
runemate {
devMode = true
manifests {
create("Test") {
mainClass = "com.username.scripts.combat.Main"
tagline = "Test"
description = "Test"
version = "1.0.0"
internalId = "Test"
This are the steps to compile my script. 1. build. 2. generateManifests.
Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.