You're wrong, RuneMate didn't hack you.
Can't be arsed replying to you, as you're just going to say we're all lying to you anyway, however I'll quote
@Savior who sums it up quite nicely
Posting the same information I do every time this topic comes up:
- Are you sure you haven't used an easy to guess username/password combination?
- Or that you're using a combination that has been leaked from an external database breach?
- Or you downloaded a gold generator or similar program?
- Clicked on any suspicious URLs from Twitch streams etc?
There is NO way RuneMate would hack you for your gold/items. We would not risk our entire reputation over the small amount of gold/items any user would have.
Furthermore, from the moment you enter your username/password combination in to the client, the information is immediately encrypted and impossible for anyone to read and use.
Bot Authors do not have access to your username or password. The only person who does is YOU.
There have been many accusations of this over the years and almost every single time without fail the user has later determined the fault occurred elsewhere.
To summarise and make it extremely clear, RuneMate did not hack you and steal your items.
Read more examples:
Resolved - Got hacked after runemate crashed
I have never been hacked 15 years playing runescape. Until I used Runemate