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Sounds cliche and overdiscussed, but, ban rates?

Aug 20, 2018
I know this is a cliche topic and thousands of threads exist like this, we have one every day, etc etc

But I'm not inquiring about moot and absurd points such as "will I get banned" or "How long till I get banned" or "How to bot and not get banned", but rather, I'm genuinely curious as to whether there is an objective way to assess various bots and clients, they are after all competitive by nature and it would be beneficial to be able to chart data and then compare them on points like ban rates.

So without any further digressions I want to say that I'm wondering if there is a way to scientifically measure "ban rates over different botting clients in Runescape", specifically for RuneMate, but I would as a bonus hear it out for other clients as well. I am even considering having this as the topic for my final project for my data management class. Of course, the RuneMate community would say they have lower ban rates than other bots. But how do we know?**
I'd say there are many variables to consider, such as which location the guys are in, how long, time of the day they bot, whether there were special events that day, what skill was being done, username uniqueness, IP, etc.

** I am talking about RuneMate community members and not claims from bot developers
May 30, 2018
I am even considering having this as the topic for my final project for my data management class.

this is probably not a good idea lol, any data you ever receive is going to be beyond untrustworthy (tons of people don't talk about their bans, bias towards the chatty people, etc.) unless you actually get it from the developers, and since they are around every 3 months i doubt you can make it work
Aug 4, 2018
I know this is a cliche topic and thousands of threads exist like this, we have one every day, etc etc

But I'm not inquiring about moot and absurd points such as "will I get banned" or "How long till I get banned" or "How to bot and not get banned", but rather, I'm genuinely curious as to whether there is an objective way to assess various bots and clients, they are after all competitive by nature and it would be beneficial to be able to chart data and then compare them on points like ban rates.

So without any further digressions I want to say that I'm wondering if there is a way to scientifically measure "ban rates over different botting clients in Runescape", specifically for RuneMate, but I would as a bonus hear it out for other clients as well. I am even considering having this as the topic for my final project for my data management class. Of course, the RuneMate community would say they have lower ban rates than other bots. But how do we know?**
I'd say there are many variables to consider, such as which location the guys are in, how long, time of the day they bot, whether there were special events that day, what skill was being done, username uniqueness, IP, etc.

** I am talking about RuneMate community members and not claims from bot developers
Community member data will not suffice. You will have to gather your own data points if you want to make a project out of this. Even if you have access to good hardware it will take hundreds of accounts to find some sort of pattern, if there even is one. Plus the control variables might be hard to control, but some of the ones you mention - time of day, area, client, etc. - can be doable. Overall, you can't trust the community that their data will be accurate. You also have to keep in mind if they've played legitimately, how long, and more.
Aug 20, 2018
It's just a project for a small class and not a master thesis. The instructor acknowledges we can never sample all the data there is, and inaccuracies will just have to be accepted. Anyway, I have noticed this difference with the RuneMate community, that is, they discuss variables that would affect botting, as well as techniques which make RM different from other bots, which I really like as opposed to claims that a certain bot is good because it's used be so many people and such.
Jan 28, 2017
Measuring by how Jagex bans:
We can only guess what parameters Jagex takes into account to flag accounts for botting. Although some people can make more educated guesses then others... but making an objective comparision is impossible.

Measuring by what each bot offers/advertises:
You could list each "anti ban" feature of a bot client, and see who ends up with the best score. But back to point one, we don't know which ones are relevant and which aren't.

Measuring by user input:
What you also have to account for, is that bot software changes overtime. What was detectable a year ago, might not be detectable anymore today. So if you were to take a population of test people, it would be really hard to do. As this could've changed (e.g. someone might say bot client X is bad because he had 5 bans. But that issue might've been resolved already.).

Leaves you with only one real option; test it out yourself. This would cost you some money, time and definitly bad luck could be an issue. But that's the only way I can see you come to something that's close to "objective".