I looked on forums and couldn't find too much. I'll have another look.
Ah ok, I'll have a go at and see how it goes, would you say I should stick to the popular bots for now? Are they the safest i assume?
Don't worry about the user count, just test out the bot and watch it for a while your first run to make sure everything is functioning well. If its all working well you should feel like everything seems similar to what a real player would do (no crazy mouse movements, no getting stuck, etc)
once you feel confident enough in a bot you can decide how long you think its safe to bot per day and all that jazz.
Always test a bot before just clicking start and leaving, just to be sure. Even if it is an excellent bot
you could've messed something up (bank preset, loot options, etc).
Any of the premium bots should work flawlessly 99% of the time.
I've botted from 1800 to 2300 total so far with no issues and hope to get a max cape eventually. Best of luck to you bud.