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Bug Running RuneMate on macOS: more information

Jun 24, 2014
So if you're trying to run the bot using a 64-bit version of Java, you'll be greeted with this error when attempting to launch a bot:


If you're on Windows this problem can be easily fixed. All you need to do is run the bot with a 32-bit Java version as explained in multiple threads.
If you're on macOS, that's another story.
The last 32-bit Java version macOS supported was Java 6, and support for Java 6 was discontinued after El Capitan and no longer available for installing from Oracle's website.
I was able to install it with Homebrew, no problem. Java 6 is installed and it supports a 32-bit JVM (specified with the -d32 argument):


Okay, let's try to run RuneMate now:


So what do we find now? We find a UnsupportedClassVersionError. In other words it means that RuneMate was written in a newer Java version, Java 8 most likely (unless the devs are already going in with Java 9), and thus, it can't be run despite using a 32-bit JVM.

So what's the solution? I honestly don't know. I've tried already using OpenJDK 8 with no avail (doesn't support a 32-bit JVM either). So, Mac users, we're out of luck. Get your Paralell Desktop ready or Bootcamp.

If there is anyone out there that has been able to bypass the error on macOS, please let the rest of the world know how you managed it.
Jul 6, 2015
Yup on mac and been having this issue... that's unfortunate to hear but hopefully someone will figure a solution for mac users
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
The issue you're having has nothing to do with the java version. On mac (or any other OS than windows for that matter) you can use the 64 bit version just fine, because runescape itself runs in a 64 bit process.

Post the stack trace of your exception found in the logs for more information

Edit: Runemate works just fine on my macOS version 10.12.6
Last edited:
Feb 18, 2017
it works fine on macOS for me. A valid 32-bit JRE is included in runemate when you install it. I didn't need to use brew
Jun 24, 2014
The issue you're having has nothing to do with the java version. On mac (or any other OS than windows for that matter) you can use the 64 bit version just fine, because runescape itself runs in a 64 bit process.

Post the stack trace of your exception found in the logs for more information

Edit: Runemate works just fine on my macOS version 10.12.6

[Debug] Java Home: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_144.jdk/Contents/Home/jre
[Debug] Java Version: 8u144 x64 (Oracle Corporation)
[Debug] Maximum Heap Size: 1821MB
[Debug] RuneMate Version: 2.55.0
[Debug] Operating System: Mac OS X x64
[Web Services] Connection authorized.
Failed to bind to the game client because of an AgentLoadException
com.sun.tools.attach.AgentLoadException: Unable to add JAR file to system class path
    at sun.tools.attach.HotSpotVirtualMachine.loadAgent(mx:95)
    at nul.IIIIIiiIIIIII.this(szb:156)
    at nul.iIiIiiiIIIIiI.run(zwb:215)

it works fine on macOS for me. A valid 32-bit JRE is included in runemate when you install it. I didn't need to use brew

Please tell me where this 32-bit JRE is found because the one found under RuneMate.app/Contents/PlugIns/jre.bundle/Contents/Home/jre/ doesn't work either. I get the same error that's included in this post.
Sep 3, 2017
has no one figured out how to fix this yet? I'm really wanting to be getting my bot back up but I've been stuck with this issue for weeks please help!!