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Resource RuneMate Standalone JAR Updater

The only thing Alpha about me is my bots
Sep 22, 2014
If you're like me, you develop on several different platforms & computers, and like to keep your projects self-contained. For this reason, I use the standalone JAR version of RuneMate for day-to-day development, which creates an annoyance - the standalone JAR does not automatically update. To address this, I've written an updater (principally for my own use) which you can find here:


The updater assumes that you put RuneMate.jar in your project root. In order to use the updater effectively, do the following:
  • Create a new class somewhere relevant named RuneMateUpdater (I chose to create a parent updater package and thus my package structure was com.eagles13.updater).
  • Insert the code from GitHub into the class and compile (CTRL+F9 in IntelliJ). You could alternatively just download the raw file from GitHub and use that.
  • Create a new debug configuration in IntelliJ similar to the one below (your packaging will likely be different)
  • Next, on your usual Run Configuration, add a before launch action like so:
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