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OSRS Requesting Rock Crab Bot [OSRS]

Aug 1, 2017
Looking for a Rock Crab bot that works effectively as follows:

  • Attacks, lures/kills rock crabs, will NOT attack crabs that other players are attacking (to avoid rage reports); resets on a 15 minute timer (or whenever bot detects that rock crabs are no longer spawning from rocks).
  • Banks at Camelot once food in inventory is depleted (bot will automatically detect if no food is in inventory and walk or teleport from crabs to the bank).
  • Option to set food (which food will be withdrawn from the bank and used for training purposes).
  • Break timer (if available).
Anything else I can remember I will add here and update into this thread. Basically I've been using a bot from PB (Rock Crabs) and have gained a tremendous amount of experience using it in a short amount of time. (3M EXP botted in 8 days casually). However, due to the client at PB I no longer feel safe using the bot as I much prefer RM and it's ability to use the legitimate OSRS client to play the game. I love all the bots but am surprised that one like the one in which I am requesting doesn't already exist.

I would be willing to pay (whether that means it's a 1 time ordeal to gain access to the bot - *I know RM does not do this so if it was possible to purchase the bot from the author - I would be willing. Alternatively, would be willing to pay $0.06-0.10/hr (though $0.10 does seem a bit high considering this would be a relatively simple bot in comparison to other high end bots that run from $0.08-$0.10/hr.

I would love if anyone could respond on this thread if they are interested in creating this. I am mainly seeking for this as I wish to remove myself from PB completely and feel safe/confident using RM. Also - I am requesting this botas a means to level accounts until they are NMZ ready (at which there is already a bot in existence).

Thanks, and looking forward to hearing all of your responses.
Aug 13, 2016
apexcrabber try it out got me 70-99 str but sand crabs give more exp and hit less and u just sit in one spot with 4 crabs so you dont got to worry about attacking anyone else
Aug 9, 2017
I'm a developer new to the community and am in the midst of creating my first bot. I'd be happy to take this project on for you as soon as I've familiarized myself with the environment. I can start working on this tomorrow. PM me with any other details or features you think of :)