The second account on my network was my other account I couldn't remember the password and wasn't receiving a request to change password e-mail, I genuinely only ever use it for a couple of hours at night and that's not every day, it worked on the 6th of this month and hasn't worked again since, now, if what ive read is true that after 30 days I will receive time back, surely, in that 1 day I was active on the 6th I haven't used 3 days worth of hours!!, this is madness, and its frustrating too because I really don't want to move to another program due to runemate being a fantastic go to with easy interface and set up, but honestly ive been waiting for days now and nothing is changing + when I check usage in the last 30 days it came up to 65 hours.. please sort this out for me, I will be donating more, but im not going to when my hours seem to be disappearing into thin air, I hope you understand my predicament