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Tutorial Publishing Premium Bots

Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013

Currently, anyone can make their bots premium and there are no code/performance quality reviews being performed before approving premium bot candidates. To keep it that way i must ask you all to only make your bots premium if you are devoted to maintaining them. If your bot is broken or buggy and you don't fix it in a timely manner, your bot will be removed from the store.
Please also make sure to update the version when appropriate and include a change log in the updates section of your resource for users to read. Not doing so may result in a warning and continual lack of change logs may see your bot being removed from the store.

RuneMate Staff have final say on whether or not your bot is suitable for Premium.


How to make your bot premium
To make a bot premium all you have to do is add the
element to your manifest where amount is a double i.e 0.05 is $0.05 per hour used.

If you want to use a lite/premium model where you have a bot that has some features you would like to be premium only you can simply create two manifests. Make sure they have a different internal-id and one of them has the price element.
To check in your bots code if the user is running the premium version or not use the following code:
getMetaData().getHourlyPrice().doubleValue() > 0
This way you don't have to duplicate your codebase and manage two lots of code for one bot.

How to get paid
See Tutorial - Wallet Withdrawals for Premium Bot Authors.
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Client Developer
Oct 12, 2015
This is personal, and my views don't necessarily represent RuneMate's, but I feel like I should say that I would not request that your bot be made premium unless you are absolutely confident in your ability to satisfy your target user-base and are willing to maintain and update your bot regularly.

Nothing sucks confidence from customers faster than having to pay for a mediocre bot.
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
Are you guys out of your mind?

Like seriously, what's your reason to give everybody the option to make his bot premium without undergoing ANY sort of quality control?
People that are paying money for using premium bots expect a certain quality standard, and that quality standard is completely gone now.
The code and runtime analysis Cloud did in the first period of premium bots may have been harsh, but at the same time prove a bot to be of an approptiate quality.

I recommend to have at least any kind of inspectation before allowing a bot to be premium.
Right now a bot could be made premium that nobody but the author have ever used, and it's fair to say that a lot of users encounter problems that the author doesn't know of initially.

You might say that users are the ones choosing the bot they want to run, so if a premium bot is not worth being premium for any reason, users could just lookout for an alternative. But that extremely devalues uniqe bots that are actually taken care off.

If you really want to stick to this "out of the blue" premium model, I would like to see some separation between "Paid bots" and "Premium bots", with the latter one having to earn its status by quality control.
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Are you guys out of your mind?

Like seriously, what's your reason to give everybody the option to make his bot premium without undergoing ANY sort of quality control?
People that are paying money for using premium bots expect a certain quality standard, and that quality standard is completely gone now.
The code and runtime analysis Cloud did in the first period of premium bots may have been harsh, but at the same time prove a bot to be of an approptiate quality.

I recommend to have at least any kind of inspectation before allowing a bot to be premium.
Right now a bot could be made premium that nobody but the author have ever used, and it's fair to say that a lot of users encounter problems that the author doesn't know of initially.

You might say that users are the ones choosing the bot they want to run, so if a premium bot is not worth being premium for any reason, users could just lookout for an alternative. But that extremely devalues uniqe bots that are actually taken care off.

If you really want to stick to this "out of the blue" premium model, I would like to see some separation between "Paid bots" and "Premium bots", with the latter one having to earn its status by quality control.
It was @Arbiter's decision. My understanding is that with the strict standards, no one wanted to write premium bots, which can clearly be seen by the big ZERO premium bots we've had since spectre was released.

Don't forget, we are pay by the hour, not month. If the user finds that the bot is buggy they're losing out on mere cents. And as i stated, if the bot isn't maintained then the bot WILL be removed from the store.
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
It was @Arbiter's decision. My understanding is that with the strict standards, no one wanted to write premium bots, which can clearly be seen by the big ZERO premium bots we've had since spectre was released.

Don't forget, we are pay by the hour, not month. If the user finds that the bot is buggy they're losing out on mere cents. And as i stated, if the bot isn't maintained then the bot WILL be removed from the store.
There have been quite a few authors wanting to make their bot premium, but we always have been told to either wait until some new system is implemented, or until there are enough premium bot candidates to review.

And I agree that a malfunctioning bot is not the end of the world since it's just a few cents, but past has shown that users even get pissed at losing those cents and even requesting charge backs, so...
Jun 9, 2015
There have been quite a few authors wanting to make their bot premium, but we always have been told to either wait until some new system is implemented, or until there are enough premium bot candidates to review.

And I agree that a malfunctioning bot is not the end of the world since it's just a few cents, but past has shown that users even get pissed at losing those cents and even requesting charge backs, so...
This. I've wanted to make premium bots for a long time, but we were always told to wait. I do want my code to go through some sort of review. This will ensure quality for the user, and a good feeling for myself knowing that my code quality is ok enough.
Mod Automation
Jul 26, 2013
There have been quite a few authors wanting to make their bot premium, but we always have been told to either wait until some new system is implemented, or until there are enough premium bot candidates to review.
Sounds like you were asking the wrong people, because I have not said any such thing and that's the only voice that matters as it speaks on behalf of the RuneMate Executives in this department.
Will review your bots upon request!
Jan 16, 2017
I think there should be some Quality Assurance set in place to stop crappy bot makers from ruining the RuneMate name. Even if it says developed by blah blah people can say "Man RuneMate is good but they have sub-par premium bots.". P.S. I love Brooke Davis <3