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OSRS Prime Zulrah - Setup + Troubleshooting

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Oct 30, 2014
I have come to realize setting up Prime Zulrah could be a little confusing, and weird issues can occur, so here is a guide on how to set Prime Zulrah up for long snake killing sessions.

I am not going over the basics of Zulrah here, if you want to know what quests, stats, etc. are required to kill Zulrah, check out a guide on the basics of Zulrah on YouTube and/or check the wiki.

Eliminating client instabilities
Users can run into weird and for me unexplainable issues, however, here are some steps you can take to prevent these from occurring:
  • Use a fresh instance of both RuneLite/RuneScape and RuneMate. That means that if you ran a bot on your current RuneLite/RuneScape window, close it and open a new one. Similarly if you ran a bot on your current RuneMate window, close it and open a new one.
  • Use one bot instance per window of RuneMate. I do not want to go too in-depth here, but in short: RuneMate windows use a single JVM for every bot instance you start on that window, that means that static or singleton values could be unintentionally shared between instances, which could lead to instability.
  • Do not switch between resizable and fixed mode on RuneScape after starting a bot. This leads to a bunch of issues that have remained unfixed for a while now.

As far as gear goes, your main concern for compatibility with Prime Zulrah is weapons. Head over to the bot overview, and check if both your magic and ranged weapon are supported. The rest of your equipment slots support almost any item you wish for. Make sure you have some form of recoil ring in both equipment sets (a Ring of recoil or a charged Ring of suffering, which can be imbued).

As for potions, food and other supplies:
  • If you are using Rings of recoil, make sure you have plenty in the bank. The bot takes multiple rings per trip.
  • Unless you are using a Serpentine helm, make sure you have some form of Anti-venom or Antipoison. Anti-venom+ is recommended.
  • You can configure the bot to not use any magic or ranged boosts, however for ranged it is highly recommended that you do.
  • Have plenty of Zul-andra teleports to return to the shrine if you are not making use of the Ardougne cloak and Fairy ring method. Make sure you do not bring all of them in your inventory, so the bot can withdraw one from the bank in case it dies.
  • Have plenty of Rings of dueling to teleport to Ferox Enclave. The bot carries a ring at any time.
  • Have plenty of food in the bank. Most higher end food is supported.

Now that your account is set up for Prime Zulrah, it is time to set up Prime Zulrah for your account. Go ahead and start the bot, and we will go through the setup together.

The first screen is the equipment selector. In this screen you configure your magic and ranged equipment. Make sure your mouse input is enabled, so you can change gear in game to load it into the bot. You can do so by pressing this button and unchecking the Mouse option.


Equip your magic equipment, and press the Refresh button underneath the Magic equipment section. Repeat the same steps for your ranged equipment unless you are using the mage only mode.

Do not forget to block mouse input again before starting the bot. I also recommend blocking keyboard input.

The next few steps are quite trivial. There's a few selectors that require you to configure what supplies you want to bring to Zulrah:
  • Magic boost: select the type of magic boost you want to bring, this could be none.
  • Ranging boost: select the type of ranging boost you want to bring, this could be none.
  • Prayer restore: select the type of prayer restore you want to bring, and adjust how many you want to bring on each trip using the slider.

    In this example I'm set up to bring two Prayer potions on each trip.
  • If your equipment does not include a serpentine helm, you should now land at the Venom restore selector: select the type of venom restore you want to bring.
  • Food: select the type of food you want to bring.
  • Trip extension: we are now at the last screen, where we can configure values in order to determine whether the bot should extend the trip, or go to the bank and restore its stats.
    The minimum pieces of food value is the amount of pieces of food required to start a kill.
    The minimum prayer doses value is the amount of doses of prayer restore required to start a kill.
    The minimum recoil charges value is the amount of recoil charges your character is carrying. This means the charges on your equipped ring, as well as any extra rings you are carrying in your inventory.
  • Traversal: select your preferred method of traversal. You can choose between Zul-andra teleports or Ardougne cloak and Dramen/Lunar staff.
  • Mouse path generation: here you can pick between the MLP and hopping mouse path generators. MLP is a machine learning mouse path generator that generally performs well enough. The hopping mouse path generator does not really take a mouse path, it just hops from point to point. In almost all cases I recommend using the default MLP mouse path generator since it is generally seen as the safer choice.

Start the bot at the Sacrificial boat or at the Ferox enclave bank. Do not start the bot in Zulrah's shine!

You are all set! Press the start button and sit back while Prime Zulrah does all the hard work.

Still running into issues? Troubleshooting time!

The bot keeps getting hit by the melee phase/keeps praying wrong against Jad phase

This is likely to be a computer performance or network latency (lag) issue. Make sure you are in a low ping world. If you are still having issues, try closing background programs, or upgrade your computer.
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