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Now is a good time

Mar 14, 2016
For people worried about getting banned, this month will be the best time to bot in a very long time because of them focusing on NXT

Iv botted from 1-90 mining in a week and a little bit with breaks only during the day and sometimes skipping overnight botting. Maybe i got lucky but my last acc got banned in like 4 days of botting and never as many hours a day as now

Is it because Im not a member now? who knows lol .. i know many will say their 'bot detectors' are always active but maybe they dont care bout looking for botters as much cuz they know the update will come out soon

just my 2 cents
Jan 27, 2015
Less manual bans in RS3. The ban rate in OSRS will stay the same as always...

Inb4 massive ban wave after the release of NXT.