You guys think its worth using piety for 20k~ more exp/h? cost is 170k~ /h in pray pots.
setup is DH, pray pots, absorbs and overloads. curious to know what setup you guys using aswell
You guys think its worth using piety for 40k~ more exp/h? cost is 170k~ /h in pray pots.
setup is DH, pray pots, absorbs and overloads. curious to know what setup you guys using aswell
If you really wanna know if it is worth it, calculate the cost of Dharok degradation with and without using Piety.
If using Piety means you gain 99 whatever quicker, therefore spending less time in combat with Dharok, and the cost to use Piety is less than the cost to otherwise just pay for more Dharok time, then yes, Piety is worth it.