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Question New script not appearing in developer runemate

Mar 18, 2017
In the past when I am writing new scripts they are automatically loaded into runemate when I rune my script however, I moved the rest of my scripts out of folder to just focus on this one and now the script is not appearing when I try to run it. The manifest file appears to be correct. Any other reasons or steps to be taken in order to have my current scripts automatically refresh??
Mar 28, 2017
Okay so I'm confused. I'm going to assume to moved the rest of your bots to a different folder to focus on the one bot. Now said bot is not appearing.

  • Check the terminal (on IDE) to see what is being outputted in case of errors.
  • Obligatory rebuild the directory (on IntellJ -> Right click main directory -> Rebuild) http://i.imgur.com/zgYGM9I.png . Personally, I do this on every change in any of my classes to make sure it processed.
  • Next, I'd check to make sure the manifest itself isn't missing, and is referencing the correct <main-class>.
  • Double check to see if the manifest is...
    Doesn't have to be exactly like mine...
    <open-source>false</open-source><hidden>true</hidden> <!--If you need to hide it from the bot store for maintenance-->
  • In case I misunderstood your question and what bots you moved and want you want to access, double check the local script directory of the Runemate client itself (under preferences?).

Hope you can resolve your issue. If it's an actual client bug, please make sure to post it @ Developer Support

EDIT: I'm a beginner to bot dev myself, so I'm not sure on this one... but try adding a few random numbers to your <internal-id> in case your id is something generic or has the same id as another bot you or someone else created.
Mar 18, 2017
Thanks for the good response! It seems like you're pretty knowledgeable for a beg
Okay so I'm confused. I'm going to assume to moved the rest of your bots to a different folder to focus on the one bot. Now said bot is not appearing.

  • Check the terminal (on IDE) to see what is being outputted in case of errors.
  • Obligatory rebuild the directory (on IntellJ -> Right click main directory -> Rebuild) http://i.imgur.com/zgYGM9I.png . Personally, I do this on every change in any of my classes to make sure it processed.
  • Next, I'd check to make sure the manifest itself isn't missing, and is referencing the correct <main-class>.
  • Double check to see if the manifest is...
    Doesn't have to be exactly like mine...
    <open-source>false</open-source><hidden>true</hidden> <!--If you need to hide it from the bot store for maintenance-->
  • In case I misunderstood your question and what bots you moved and want you want to access, double check the local script directory of the Runemate client itself (under preferences?).

Hope you can resolve your issue. If it's an actual client bug, please make sure to post it @ Developer Support

EDIT: I'm a beginner to bot dev myself, so I'm not sure on this one... but try adding a few random numbers to your <internal-id> in case your id is something generic or has the same id as another bot you or someone else created.
Thanks for the good response! It seems like you are pretty knowledgable for a beginner. It ended up just being a slightly incorrect syntax in the manifest file. Just overlooked it and got frusterated haha