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Hey all, hope someone will be able to help a bit..
I use a task bot method in my bot script..
i need help with a little something.. my bot does all the task but when at exemple: Luminite rock..
it does not click.. seems like my combo box isnt right setuped..
there's my code:
There's it.. It was working very well when i only put "Runite rock"..
i don't really get why it isnt while using a combo box..
for my .fxml :
<ComboBox fx:id="RockToMine" prefWidth="150.0" GridPane.halignment="CENTER" GridPane.valignment="CENTER" />
When using
("Runite ore") it works.. can someone help?
I use a task bot method in my bot script..
i need help with a little something.. my bot does all the task but when at exemple: Luminite rock..
it does not click.. seems like my combo box isnt right setuped..
there's my code:
private ComboBox<String> RockToMine;
ObservableList<String> RockToMinelist = FXCollections.observableArrayList("Luminite rock", "Runite rock", "Adamantite rock");
public EventHandler<ActionEvent> handleButtonClicked() {
return event -> {
String RockToMineItems = RockToMine.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();
if (BOT.isPaused()) {
public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) {
private String RockToMine;
public void setRockToMineName(String RockToMine) {
this.RockToMine = RockToMine;
final GameObject blueDragon = GameObjects.getLoaded(RockToMine).nearest();
if (blueDragon == null || blueDragon.distanceTo(Players.getLocal().getPosition()) > 15) {
return KarssLexMiner.State.walkToMine;
} else {
return KarssLexMiner.State.mine;
There's it.. It was working very well when i only put "Runite rock"..
i don't really get why it isnt while using a combo box..
for my .fxml :
<ComboBox fx:id="RockToMine" prefWidth="150.0" GridPane.halignment="CENTER" GridPane.valignment="CENTER" />
When using
("Runite ore") it works.. can someone help?