and this one..
[Debug] RuneMate Version: 2.4.17
[Debug] Java Version: 8u92 x86 (Oracle Corporation)
[Debug] Operating System: Windows XP x86
[Clouse] Downloaded 1000 human mouse movements selected for you by Clouse.
Attempting to start official client. If it does not open shortly please do so manually.
Checking for a new game client every second for two minutes or until one is found.
Failed to find a new game client. Please ensure you have the official RuneScape Legacy client installed, as opposed to the NXT client. For more information see the RuneMate <a href="
Tutorial - How to Use RuneMate Spectre">Walkthrough</a>.
have the legacy 10x installed only when dying is installed says Rune degree THAT XNT It is only on the website each time it is the legacy, I understand there absolutely nothing of
and i need OSRS not RS3