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Tutorial MacOS - Fix Error 831468

Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
TL;DR: Remove the system classloader JVM option from the application's Info.plist file.

On macOS you may be getting an AgentLoadException when trying to start a bot with RuneMate.

There has been a "fix" for this in another post, which however only worked because the author made a happy accident by getting the order of java arguments wrong.

You will only be getting this issue when using the OSRS application.

  1. Right click on your OSRS application, and select "Show Package Contents"
  2. In the Contents directory you'll find a file called Info.plist
  3. Edit it with either Xcode or a text editor like TextEdit
    • For Xcode, remove the JVMOptions entry as shown in the image below
    • Using a text editor, remove the line saying <string>-Djava.system.class.loader=app.systemclassloader</string>
  4. Save the changes and start your OSRS application again.

In case the application complains about "being damaged" now, simply remove and redownload the osrs application and try above steps again.


As a short, technical explanation, the OSRS application uses a custom classloader as system classloader, which is responsible for loading jar files (such as RuneMate's attach agent) during runtime.
Jagex' custom classloader doesn't support this operation, which is why we have to remove the classloader from the JVM options.

The Windows client does not include this classloader, making this only an issue for macOS.

Feel free to ask question if you have problems, I've spent a lot of time figuring out the cause of the issue.
Apr 19, 2018
thank you iv had many issues with macOS botting. currently i have 2 instanous of osrs botting and starting it up is difficiult each time but iv managed to fix it somehow fixed it and someitmes having to manually open up the osrs client but sometimes it only lets me open the osrs client once and it says plesase close it to open it again
May 2, 2018
Wait, you guys are able to use the legacy client on Mac? :eek:
Somehow I am only able to open the normal Runescape client on my Mac (nothing happens when I try to open the legacy client) and am therefore unable to bot on my Mac.
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
Wait, you guys are able to use the legacy client on Mac? :eek:
Somehow I am only able to open the normal Runescape client on my Mac (nothing happens when I try to open the legacy client) and am therefore unable to bot on my Mac.
Do you have java installed?
May 2, 2018
Yes, I've got the newest official Java version installed.
In another thread from 2017 an unoffical version via Homebrew was mentioned.
Now I don't know wether that's still necessary to bot on Mac or not?
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
Yes, I've got the newest official Java version installed.
In another thread from 2017 an unoffical version via Homebrew was mentioned.
Now I don't know wether that's still necessary to bot on Mac or not?
Any java version should be sufficient to get runescape running. Do you get any feedback from the application?
May 2, 2018
I am now able to start the legacy client, but the game crashes after a minute.
I'll check the runescape forum to see what I can find.

Edit: I think my CPU is the problem. The legacy client requires 4x more CPU than the new client. :rolleyes:
Last edited:
Jan 21, 2019
After i delete the line, runescape client or game is damged and cant be loaded, what shoud i do even if in redowload, it doesnt work.
Feb 19, 2019
TL;DR: Remove the system classloader JVM option from the application's Info.plist file.

On macOS you may be getting an AgentLoadException when trying to start a bot with RuneMate.

There has been a "fix" for this in another post, which however only worked because the author made a happy accident by getting the order of java arguments wrong.

You will only be getting this issue when using the OSRS application.

  1. Right click on your OSRS application, and select "Show Package Contents"
  2. In the Contents directory you'll find a file called Info.plist
  3. Edit it with either Xcode or a text editor like TextEdit
    • For Xcode, remove the JVMOptions entry as shown in the image below
    • Using a text editor, remove the line saying <string>-Djava.system.class.loader=app.systemclassloader</string>
  4. Save the changes and start your OSRS application again.

In case the application complains about "being damaged" now, simply remove and redownload the osrs application and try above steps again.


As a short, technical explanation, the OSRS application uses a custom classloader as system classloader, which is responsible for loading jar files (such as RuneMate's attach agent) during runtime.
Jagex' custom classloader doesn't support this operation, which is why we have to remove the classloader from the JVM options.

The Windows client does not include this classloader, making this only an issue for macOS.

Feel free to ask question if you have problems, I've spent a lot of time figuring out the cause of the issue.
What if I am getting this same response with the Agent issue not loading on RS3?
Feb 10, 2019
I'm getting the error msg
An internal error occurred (error code: launch path not accessible)

if someone can help me install this on my Mac will give 50m reward osrsgp
I'm getting the error msg
An internal error occurred (error code: launch path not accessible)

if someone can help me install this on my Mac will give 50m reward osrsgp
I have deleted everything downloaded rs client and rune mate new click to load and get the above msg
Jan 25, 2019
Can someone help me with this load error?
It still doesn't work on my mac and I have tried multiple things.
Feb 10, 2019
Can someone help me with this load error?
It still doesn't work on my mac and I have tried multiple things.

" I would pay for someone to do a video on it, I had to buy a new pc for my office (windows) because that's all my staff can use, bot works fine.... as then for my MacBook I can't bot and have tried absolute everything, I have even spoken to apple they changed there security preferences, where you used to be able to download anything from anywhere the new apple update doesn't allow unidentified apps, so you know you have to go in manually and accept it"
Mar 31, 2019
" I would pay for someone to do a video on it, I had to buy a new pc for my office (windows) because that's all my staff can use, bot works fine.... as then for my MacBook I can't bot and have tried absolute everything, I have even spoken to apple they changed there security preferences, where you used to be able to download anything from anywhere the new apple update doesn't allow unidentified apps, so you know you have to go in manually and accept it"
Right click and hit open -> this leads to an option for opening stuff from unidentified developers
Apr 3, 2019
maybe some one can help me!
when i start the program i get :

An internal error occurred (error code: Could not load JRE from The bundle “Java SE 8” couldn’t be loaded because its executable couldn’t be located..)

mabye someone have a solution!
Feb 10, 2019
I am still getting no luck every body seems to have same issue surely there's someone out there willing to do a video, I would pay 100m!