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Resolved I just paid, but didn't get new hours.

Sep 24, 2018

I just payed another 3$ thinking that I would get another 300 hours to use, but seems like it keeps saying I have used to many hours. Whats the purpose of purchasing a plan of 300 hours if you've gone above it? Surely the reason to purchase a plan is to get new hours, otherwise there's no point in purchasing one. ??
Jun 9, 2015
Please read the FAQ. $3 will give you a TOTAL of 300 hours. You can increase the price to receive more hours, as seen here - Imgur
Sep 24, 2018
So basically I just paid 3$ for something that I can't use because somehow im -170 hours. I should have waited for the housr to go down and then purchased my plan...
Sep 24, 2018
"The supporter system works on a 30 day period for paid hours. If on day 1 you pay $10.00 for 1,000 hours of botting time, this time is only available for the current 30 day period. Once the 30 day period expires, you will either have to re-subscribe with another $10.00 payment or revert to a free users allowance of 200 hours." When does my 30 day period reset? Surely it should have alraedy reset since I purchased 400 or 500 hour plan a month ago, and now I just renewed with 300 hours because the old one expired, how does it all work?
Jun 9, 2015
"The supporter system works on a 30 day period for paid hours. If on day 1 you pay $10.00 for 1,000 hours of botting time, this time is only available for the current 30 day period. Once the 30 day period expires, you will either have to re-subscribe with another $10.00 payment or revert to a free users allowance of 200 hours." When does my 30 day period reset? Surely it should have alraedy reset since I purchased 400 or 500 hour plan a month ago, and now I just renewed with 300 hours because the old one expired, how does it all work?

The system works on a 30 day period.
So let's say you've botted 5 hours on January 1st - 30 days later, you'll get those 5 hours back. It doesn't reset instantly.
If you botted 200 hours on one day, 30 days later, you will get those 200 hours back. If you've botted more than you are allowed as a free (or less than $3 supporter), you will have negative hours. You can see how much you've botted each day in the last 30 days here - Log in | Community | RuneMate, so you can figure out when you'll get some hours back.