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Bug Having trouble starting instance

Jul 23, 2016
Is there a problem with the client or? I'm having troubles getting a instance to load. Just acts like its loading but never actually starts.
Jul 23, 2016
Does this occur on every bot you try to run?

Please read the following and action it as necessary:
Okay so I added a free scriptvto check to see if it would work and i got a error saying I've reached the 200 hours for the month and i need to purchase support? Do I have to purchase support even though i pay $.08/hr to run the script bot? Or is that just for free scripts bots? Cause I tried using apexcrabberpro again and started the instance but It wouldn't load and was charged yet again another $.08 for an hour that I can't even use cause the stupid instance won't load. I even updated the client to make sure it wasn't out of date.
RuneMate Staff
Oct 2, 2015

Okay so I added a free scriptvto check to see if it would work and i got a error saying I've reached the 200 hours for the month and i need to purchase support? Do I have to purchase support even though i pay $.08/hr to run the script bot? Or is that just for free scripts bots? Cause I tried using apexcrabberpro again and started the instance but It wouldn't load and was charged yet again another $.08 for an hour that I can't even use cause the stupid instance won't load. I even updated the client to make sure it wasn't out of date.

Please read this thread:

Tutorial - Billing and Payment FAQ

The 200 hour limit relates to how many hours you as a free user can use RuneMate per 30 days. To use any bot (premium or free) you must have hours remaining on your account:

Free Users:
Free users are entitled to up to a maximum of 200 hours of bot usage during one 30 day period. Free users can also only run a maximum of 2 sessions at once. You may use all 200 hours on one bot on one RuneScape account, or you may split your 200 hours across multiple bots and multiple RuneScape accounts.

Supporter/Sponsor (Paid) Users:

Supporter/Sponsor (paid) users can bot a range of hours and concurrent instances depending on how much money they pay per month. EG: A monthly payment of $3.00 will allow you to run up to a maximum of 300 hours as well as a maximum 3x bot instances at once. A monthly payment of $10.00 will allow you to run up to a maximum of 1,000 hours as well as a maximum of 10x bot instances at once.

Does Premium bot usage count towards my hours?:
Yes. If you use a premium bot (eg: $0.10 / hour) this time will still be deducted from your monthly hours allowance.

Regarding being charged when the premium bot isn't working, as I said to you in your private message you need to post in the forum thread for that bot and explain to the author the issue you have been having and provide supporting evidence (eg: screenshots of your balance being deducted, log files showing your issues) and then the both author will be able to refund you.

If you are constantly getting that error, I would suggest not using that bot until you have discussed it further with the author, or you will only just keep "losing" money.