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Tutorial Cuppa's Frequently Asked Questions Megathread

Mar 13, 2018
Cuppa's Frequently Asked Questions Megathread

Hey, I'm Cuppa, the bot dev guy.

I answer a lot of questions, and some of them I answer a lot of times. I'll periodically update this thread with questions I get the most. It'll be a mix of questions about my (Cuppa) bots, Runemate, and botting as a whole.

Obviously all the info here is my opinion, and is all to the best of my understanding, and is not objective. Let me know if anything should be changed, added, or improved.

1) General Runemate Questions/Issues

1a) When do "free" bot hours reset?
Regarding the use shown on this page: Runemate Hours Page

Bot hours don't just "reset" at a given time. Your remaining hours are calculated by subtracting the hours you've used in the last 30 days from the total hours that you bought. Here's an example:

Let's say today is October 1st, and you buy 3000 hours. Let's say that you use 100 hours every day. On October 31st (30 days later), you run out of hours, so you can't bot anymore. On the next day (November 1st), you'll regain the hours that you used 30 days ago (October 1st's hours), meaning that you'll have another 100 hours to bot with. The day after that you'll regain the hours you used on October 2nd, giving you another 100 hours, etc.

1b) How does Runemate's premium bot credits work?
Premium bot credits are purchased from (Buy Credits) or from other botters in the Runemate discord, #selling-credits and #buying-credits channels.

The way Runemate's transaction system works is that it charges when the bot is started & each subsequent hour. This means that if a bot is stopped after 10 or 59 minutes it's considered 1 hour, and 1:10 and 1:59 minutes are considered 2 hours, etc. For this reason, you always get the best value by stopping the bot right before the next hour.

If you're having issues with a Cuppa bot and would like a refund, please DM me your forum name, a screenshot of the transaction(s) from Transactions and a brief description of what happened. If you're having issues with someone else's bot, contact the bot's author.

1c) How does Runemate compare to other clients?
It's very hard to compare clients directly, as there's so many different factors, and it depends on what you value in a client. However, some key points:
- Runemate uses a system of paying cents-per-hour rather than one-time or monthly licences. This has pros and cons, but some pros include the lack of a lock in fee, a low cost to start, making it easier to jump around to different activities any time (rather than feeling stuck using one bot to get your money's worth), and the fact that you only pay for what you use.
- Runemate does not modify the game client, and instead connects to the real Vanilla OSRS/RuneLite client, making it theoretically undetectable as a client. Of course bans are always still possible, but by my understanding, they likely come from Jagex's pattern recognition of the account's activities. Which are theoretically possible to detect using any client or macro.
- Runemate has a long history of active development, and a lot of bots to use. Especially recently with the influx of high level bossing bots, Runemate has one of the most extensive bot catalogues of any client.
- Runemate itself has a lot of humanization & quality of life features, and is just overall very polished in my opinion.

It's difficult to accurately compare ban risks between Runemate and other clients, as no clients publicly document ban risk. Relative to other clients, Runemate seems as safe or safer (depending on the client) due to some of it's aspects mentioned above. However, again, this is impossible to concretely gauge, and bans are always a possibility with any client.

1d) Should I bot on a VPN/proxy?
Runemate overall doesn't work great with VPNs/proxies, and in 99% of cases they aren't needed. Jagex doesn't appear to care if you bot a few, or a few dozen, accounts on one IP. Proxies/VPNs may be useful for larger operations, but I've never used them personally while botting. Keep in mind that while Jagex likely won't care about a few bans on your IP, they likely will care about potentially thousands of bans on the proxy/VPN IP, and for this reason a proxy/VPN may potentially lead to higher risk or locked accounts. Potentially.

However, one of the few valid reasons to bot on a proxy/VPN (in my opinion) is to try to get an account unbanned. If you create an account on one IP and bot it on a VPN/proxy, you may choose to go back on the IP that made the account & claim it was hacked and you did not bot it. This can apparently work with varying levels of success. I've never tried this personally.

1e) Will my main get banned, if I only bot an alt on the same IP?
In short, if you don't bot an account, it typically won't get banned for botting. If you bot an alt, but play a main legit on the same IP, the main will essentially definitely not get banned; It would be extremely rare.

In some cases Jagex might chain ban related to RWTing, or if you're offloading a lot from the alt to the main, but even then typically the main will not be banned unless you explicity break the rules on that account.

*of course there's exceptions to this, like very rare/high profile cases, or flagrant bug abuse.

1f) What is Direct Input? Is it safe to use?
Direct Input is a feature introduced into Runemate in early 2023 which essentially allows a bot to execute actions on the client without simulating the mouse. This means it can be a lot quicker and more accurate. Some bots have it implemented, and most of the time it is optional.

A number of Runemate bots have been using it for a while, and we haven't heard of an uptick in bans or anything. Similar tech has also been used at other clients (or even in RuneLite plugins) for years now, and it doesn't appear that there is any inherent ban risk associated. So it's really your call, and you could try without Direct Input and see if you think more-accurate clicks are worth it for you.

2) General Bot Issues/Questions

2a) Is this Cuppa Bot broken? How do I report an issue? (Cuppa Bot Specific)
If there was a game or RuneLite update today, it's possible there's a temporary issue. Best place to check bot status is on the Runemate/Cuppa Bots discords. If in doubt, you can always try again later.

99% of bugs reported are temporary or unreproducable Runemate bugs. Before reporting a bug, please try the below:
- Restart OSRS & Runemate, or your PC. This fixes most.
- Disable plugins which may be interfering with the bot. You can save your current plugins as a separate RuneLite profile when not botting, as it's best to bot with no plugins on (besides some option ones like Loot/FPS/Worldhop/GPU with default settings).
- Try to search any error message on the forums or Runemate/Cuppa Bots discord.

Please feel free to test the bot using the lite version so you don't get charged further while it's giving issues.

If the issue seems to persist, feel free to DM me with info on:
- What bot & what issue you are experiencing, as well as which settings are being used.
- Please include a bot log (found in client, Help > View Logs)

2b) Is this bot by (some other author) broken? How do I report an issue? (General or Non-Cuppa Bot)

I don't know. If there was a game or Runelite update lately, it's possible there's a temporary issue. Best place to check bot status is on the bot's thread, or Runemate/specific bot author's discord. If in doubt, you can always try again later.

Common debugging includes:
- Restart OSRS & Runemate, or your PC. This fixes a lot of issues.
- Disable plugins which may be interfering with the bot. You can save your current plugins as a separate Runelite profile when not botting, as it's best to bot with no plugins on (besides some option ones like Loot/FPS/Worldhop/GPU with default settings).
- Try to search any error message on the forums or Runemate/bot author discord.

Please feel free to test the bot using the lite version so you don't get charged further while it's giving issues.

If the issue seems to persist, post on the bot's thread or contact the author with helpful info like:
- What bot & what issue you are experiencing, as well as which settings are being used.
- Please include a bot log (found in client, Help > View Logs)

2c) How can I get a refund?
Contact the bot author via the bot thread, DM or discord.

For a refund on a Cuppa Bot, please DM CuppaJava with your forum name & a screenshot of the relevant transactions from https://www.runemate.com/community/adcredits/
If not already discussed with Cuppa, please also include info on what the bot did wrong/the reason for the refund. If it seems to be a bug to be fixed, please include the bot logs (found in client, Help > View Logs).

Please feel free to test the bot using the lite version so you don't get charged further while it's giving issues.

2d) Which plugins should I disable when botting?
It's hard to know an exact list of plugins which break bots. Much of the time, the bot will tell you at the start if a plugin is recommended to keep disabled. However if a bot seems to be acting incorrectly, it may be a more obscure plugin interaction causing issues.

As it's hard to know exactly which plugins breaks things, it's usually recommended to disable essentially all Runelite plugins, as many can interfere with the bot. You may choose to keep some on like GPU (with default settings)/FPS/Worldhop/Loot.

You can make a separate profile on Runelite with your current plugins saved, for using when not botting.

3) Questions/Issues with Specific Cuppa Bots

3a) Is Cuppa Gauntlet/Cuppa Corrupted Gauntlet working? How can I improve it's winrate?
The bot should essentially always be working, unless there was a recent game/runelite update, or an (uncommon) bug with the bot.

Average CG KD success rate is currently above 90%, and some botters are seeing 90%+ success rates.

A few things may cause a lower success rate, so you could try the debugging below:
- Ensure your stats are reasonable for CG (the Wiki recommends 85+ Combat stats, 77 Prayer & Rigour/Augury. But I'd prioritize high Ranged (or Magic if using 5:1 & Staff priority), ideally high Prayer & Rigour/Augury, high HP/Def. Att/Str don't matter as much).
- Disable essentially all Runelite plugins, as many can interfere with the bot (you can make a separate profile on Runelite with your current plugins saved, for using when not botting). You may choose to keep some on like GPU (with default settings)/FPS/Worldhop/Loot.
- Keep DirectInput & Hopping Mouse on, and/or have Runemate's mouse speed set to 3x (in Runemate settings).
- Ensure reasonable FPS (30fps+), Ping (50ms-), and CPU/RAM usage aren't spiking too much. You may consider closing other programs.
- It's always possible it's a temporary Runemate or bot issue and you can try again later.
- It may just be very bad luck.

It's also possible this is something I need to improve in a future update. Please enable "Benchmarking mode" (in the top left of the Progress Log tab), let the bot run a few attempts with it on & DM me a log (found in Help > View Logs) along with info on what the bot is doing wrong, what it should be doing instead, and what circumstances it seems to happen.

Feel free to test using the lite version of the bot so you don't get charged while testing.

If the issue persists or this doesn't help, let CuppaJava know.

3b) Can I use Cuppa Gauntlet/Cuppa Corrupted Gauntlet for combat achievements? Such as: no armor, T2/T3 armor, only one T3 weapon, etc. Can I manually do prep & have the bot fight the Hunllef?
Some combat achievements can already be completed by default, or by tweaking bot settings.

You can also do whatever prep you like manually & have the bot kill Hunllef only. If you:
- let the bot enter the gauntlet & click light on it's first node (so it gets it's bearings)
- you can pause the bot and do whatever prep you like
- enable Protect from Missiles & enter the hunllef room
- as soon as you're in the room, unpause the bot

The bot will then take over and kill the hunllef as best as it's able to with whatever gear you brought in.

3c) What settings should I use for Cuppa Guardians of the Rift?
The short version is just use the default settings with whichever unlocks you have available. Lunars for imbues/combo runes, quest altars, 56 agility, varrock armor, rainments of the eye, better gear, etc all help. You may want to use "mine until first portal" especially if you don't have 56 agility. You can use "repair pouches with pearls" when you have a lot (50-100+) of abyssal pearls, or lunars to repair if you have them.

The long version in this guide: https://www.runemate.com/community/threads/cuppa-guardiansoftherift-guide-recommendations.22552/

3d) Is this Runecrafting XP normal for Guardians of the Rift?
Probably. Runecrafting XP is pretty low xp/h in general, and GotR is no exception. You may be able to make incremental improvements to your experience per hour with unlocks or tweaking settings (see above). Please keep in mind that time spent in the lobby is also part of your XP/h. If you notice obvious inefficiencies or long delays where the bot should be doing something, feel free to suggest improvements in a DM to CuppaJava or the bot thread.

3e) Does Cuppa Forestry Woodcutter pick up the fox whistle and golden pheasant egg?
It should, but I haven't been able to verify it yet as I haven't encountered it. I did add logic to pick up the items if the bot encounters it on the ground though.

4) Ban Related Questions

4a) What is the ban rate of (specific bot/specific client/specific activity)]?
No one accurately knows. There is endless conflicting anecdotes online of ban rates, and everyone has an opinion and their own supertitions. Some people believe acitivies may be more risky if they're extremely repetitive, or very visible to other players, or high profile, but these are all unproven and impossible to gauge.

4b) Can I get banned using Runemate? How can I avoid it?
Unfortunately, any botting or macroing can lead to a ban. Overall we recommend not botting on an account that you are unwilling to lose.

However, many people do bot without getting banned for long periods of time. Strategies differ, and all advice is inherently anecdotal, but some common opinions include:
- try to bot hours or playstyles you think a real player might do (however a lot of botters choose to bot insane or unrealistic hours, which can sometimes also have success)
- avoiding activities considered anedotally "high risk" (these are highly speculative so I don't want to list them here, but some people believe acitivies may be more risky if they're extremely repetitive, or very visible to other players, or high profile)
- some botters will simply bot a lot on their account until they achieve their goal or recieve a temp (2 day) ban. There is no guarantees, but often high level accounts will recieve temp bans & only recieve a perm if they continue botting on it. This allows botters the potential to bot a lot, get a temp & then play legit on the account.

4c) I got banned, should I appeal it?
For perm bans, there used to be a consistent strategy where you would wait 3 years after the perm and then submit an appeal asking for a "second chance". Not sure if this still works.

Beyond that, a common strategy is that (if you've botted on a proxy/VPN), you may choose to go back on the IP that made the account & claim it was hacked and you did not bot it. This can apparently work with varying levels of success. This is one of the few valid reasons to bot on a proxy/VPN (in my opinion); In most cases it just isn't needed. I've never tried this personally.

5) Development Related
5a) How can I get started with bot development?
Some botters use AHK or Python, but I recommend using a botting client API like Runemate as it does a lot of the heavy lifting for you.

If you're using Runemate, the below may be helpful:​
- Make sure you have a base understanding of Java. This can be formal classes, or just a free, comprehensive Java tutorial on YouTube.
- Follow a basic Runemate IDE setup tutorial, such as: Tutorial - Setting up IntelliJ 2023/2024
- YouTube tutorial of an entire basic TreeBot:
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- Runemate API jdocs: Overview (RuneMate Game API 1.17.0)
- There's info on the new Runemate Default UI on Runemate's discord (I don't know a lot about this but it should make GUIs easier for new authors): Discord - A New Way to Chat with Friends & Communities
- Beyond that, I'd just recommend playing around with it and finding example bots online. If you google "runemate github" you can actually find a lot of examples, or you can filter by Open Source on the bot store.
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