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Bug Client deleting my main profile

Apr 1, 2019
Every time I start up a new bot/cleint. The client will delete my main profile and I have to make a new one every single time i hit that start button. Which isn't too bad even though it's some BS, but the script I've been using is extremely complex and has hundreds of different options. So i'm not going through and clicking through hundreds of options every single time i hit that play button. This gotta get fixed imma take a break till it does
Nov 28, 2015
That sucks and idk why it would be occuring, but as for settings just keep the alias of the account you keep adding back in the same
The settings most likely stored as `alias.botname.properties`
So long as alias is the same you won't need to reconfigure the bot settings
Apr 1, 2019
That sucks and idk why it would be occuring, but as for settings just keep the alias of the account you keep adding back in the same
The settings most likely stored as `alias.botname.properties`
So long as alias is the same you won't need to reconfigure the bot settings
When i have to re-create my account i lose all the options for the bot. I really cba doing that every time i hit the start button
Now iv'e wasted over 1$ doing the same shit over and over. Start the bot, realize my account it there, make another account, repeat. I just want a refund at this point. The charging system was designed to fail and made that way becaus its just cents and nobody will care about a couple cents. But in reality you damn near get charged x2 what you should be because of having to stop and start bots for bugs
Dec 10, 2014
From the announcements in discord:
  • Fixed an issue that could cause RuneMate to "forget" account details
So hopefully it works for you again, might be worth trying it on a simple bot or even dev toolkit to see if the issue persists.
I'm assuming the bug that was preventing the saving/loading of accounts was also affecting the settings being saved/loaded, and that's why simply setting the same alias didn't work for loading the settings for that alias.