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Question Check if mob health is zero?

Feb 24, 2020

i need to perform action when mob health is at 0 however i am not able to accomplish such a task with the API i tried:

    public static boolean IsHPZero(Actor actor) {
        if (actor.getHealthGauge() != null ) {
            return actor.getHealthGauge().getPercent() == 0;
        return false;

it doesn't seem to work, although i checked with devkit and indeed when the gauge is red it says 0 percent
Well i did some debug and its confusing
getLogger().info("False mob: " + (myTarget != null ? myTarget.toString() : null) + " gauge: " + (myTarget != null ? myTarget.getHealthGauge() : null));

when fighting with 0 hp mob return this:

00:00:08 DEBUG    Hovered Lizard(level: 42, position: 3400, 3066, 0) on the first attempt.
00:00:08 DEBUG    Hovered MenuItem{2 : "Attack" : "Lizard" : Lizard(level: 42, position: 3400, 3066, 0)} on the first attempt.
00:00:11 INFO    False mob: null gauge: null

at 00:00:11 Lizard(level: 42, position: 3400, 3066, 0) rechead 0 hp
can be closed, found my mistake, before killing slayer monsters i had implemented combat check which assumed mob is dead at hp 0.

works fine now :
00:00:42 INFO    CurTarget: Desert Lizard(level: 24, position: 3403, 3061, 0) gauge: StatusGauge(percent=0)
00:00:42 INFO    MobTargetingMe: Desert Lizard(level: 24, position: 3403, 3061, 0) gauge: StatusGauge(percent=0)
00:00:42 INFO    Finish!: Desert Lizard(level: 24, position: 3403, 3061, 0)
00:00:42 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Ice cooler, quantity: 73, index: 10,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:00:43 DEBUG    Hovered Desert Lizard(level: 24, position: 3403, 3061, 0) on the first attempt.