This isn't exactly parallel to what you're asking, but I think it might be helpful. I managed to rack up 22 days played on a 31 day old freshly made account. But I didn't bot straight off of tutorial island, I spent the first few days (during covid) maxing out as far as I could following the optimal quest guide.
I imagine having barrows gloves within a few days enabled me to suicide bot as aggressively as I did, and I only did it in lowkey places where reports were unlikely. I botted 90+ melee stats in NMZ, 90+ magic in a low population world stun alching while hidden in a super unpopular area, 80+ prayer on a very crowded world where everyone was using gilded altars, 99 cooking / fletching / herblore sitting on a stack of people in front of the GE.
The second I started agility botting I got banned lol, so I think it really depends on what you want to bot / where. I would imagine newer accounts with no quest points are more likely to be scrutinized because grinding skills fresh off the island leans more towards being a bot than being your average no lifer.
Most importantly, try to keep yourself out of situations where someone would report you for any reason.
Hope there's something helpful to you in this. Cheers.[/QUOTE]