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RS3 A working Livid Farm Bot

Mar 5, 2017
Yes I know there's already a Livid Farm bot in the bot store, but after trying it out it is extremely slow and buggy. It also makes you look like an obvious bot.

  • Game Mode: RS3
  • Link to wiki: Livid Farm
  • Summary: Start near the Livid Farm minigame. Correctly cures the diseased livid plants, fertilizes empty patches, encourage Pauline (when she's sad), takes lumber from pile if short on lumber, converts 2 lumbers into planks then repairs the fences, take produce and bunch it then deposit it (if applicable).
  • Required stats: 81 Magic to complete all activities, 60 Agility, 60 Crafting, 60 Farming, 50 Construction
  • Required quests: Lunar Diplomacy
  • Required items: Mud Battlestaff or Mystical Staff (Infinite Earth and Water Runes), Astral Runes, and Nature Runes
  • Other notes: The bot just needs to do the main activity it doesn't need to do the distractions. The bot needs to be fast enough to complete the cycle every round, otherwise you're not getting enough points. It needs to do all the main activities in less than a minute because each round lasts 1 minute.
To be honest, I wouldn't mind paying Premium for this. It's basically like the Pest Control bots, but imo Livid Farm is far more annoying to play than Pest Control. People only play Pest Control when it's on spotlight, but you can play Livid Farm anytime since it's a solo minigame. Whoever is nice and skilled enough to make a Livid Farm bot would be raking in a lot cash if you make it premium, just saying.